cilantro growing problems

East Andover, NH

My cilantro has very weak stems and has stopped growing after reaching about a 2 inch height. It is in a clay pot in eastern garden window. I am careful to not overwater. Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I can't help - I can't get it to grow in the ground in full sun. At least you have company, if that helps.

Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

I have never done well with it until this year. I bought a small plant and potted it with basil and dill in a large terracotta pot. I then added a grape tomato plant. I water the pot only once a week even though it really dries out. It gets mostly sun and is even near my deadly walnut tree, but all the plants are huge.

I now believe that my years of codling were in vain. Cilantro wants some abuse?


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