What is this plant

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Y'all, have you seen the variegated yuccas? oooohh pretty...I got a color guard for my birthday and the colors really stand out, so it can be good looking even when not in bloom. I'll try to get a pic sometime..

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Please do TC...I'd love to see it!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I finally got a picture of it, it's on a dry bank where very little else seems to want to live. It stands out really well, I can see it from the porch.

Thumbnail by Tropicanna
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Wow! What a striking plant!

london England, United Kingdom

Beatiful and very impressive Tropicana.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

The picture doesn't quite show how gold it really is, can't wait to see the flower one day

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

That is just beautiful! I am going to keep my eye out for one.....it looks very well cared for - you done good!!!

Brunswick, GA(Zone 9a)

It's a yucca, I had some years ago. You can shape them, pull leafs off to give it a good appearance. You can chop up the stalks to make more plants. Here on the south Atlantic coast they are every where, most people call them: "Spanish Bayonets" due to the stiff leaves with very sharp points which is the reason i got rid of mine. These plants can put an "EYE" out in a heart beat! I could not stand the thought of some kid or adult having blindess because of my plants! I tried to keep the points clipped off but for me it just wasn't worth it. They are extremely tough plants! Oh, this is another word of advice, do not plant them close to a window. Reason being, I locked up my keys once and was forced to go into a window with spanish bayonet planted close to it and got quite a few stabs and they penetrate deep! They will help thwart thieves in the right locations.

to retreive

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Good info, thanks RainbowRider. Sure would hate for one of the pets to be skewered. Braveheart backed into a prickly pear once and we had to pull long thorns out of his legs - they had gone in so deeply....
You may have posted before on TG forum and I may have missed them, but welcome!

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