What are these grey spots?

Elberton, GA

Hi everyone! Can anybody help me identify what is going on with this plant? I purchased this Dooley hydrangea from a good local nursery about 6 weeks ago. After I got the plant home, I noticed these little grey spots on some of the leaves. Rather than go through the hassle of taking it back I planted it in a good location (AM sun PM shade) and it has done pretty well so far. The new growth is starting to show some spots, too. Is this something that will correct itself or do I need to treat it? Thanks in advance!

Thumbnail by evitaa2007
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks like a fungus of some sort. How are you watering it and what time of day are you doing it? Evening watering or splashing water accidentally on the leaves (often a side effect of overhead watering with a hose, sprinkler, etc) can cause fungal spots on the leaves. Watering in the morning and being careful not to splash water on the leaves can stop the problem from getting worse.

Elberton, GA

Thanks, ecrane3. I water in the evening, every 2-3 days as needed, and am careful to water from the bottom and not let the water touch the leaves. I have been thinking I need to start watering in the morning, and will try to start doing so!.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you know you're not splashing water on the leaves then the evening vs morning watering shouldn't make as much difference--it becomes a problem if you are splashing the leaves because then they stay wet for a really long time because of your humidity. So you can try watering in the morning and see if it improves but since you weren't splashing the leaves there could be something else going on too. Make sure you post back if the problem seems to be getting worse still once you switch your watering (the spots that are already there may not go away, check what happens with new growth)

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