Crispy Frills lettuce

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

I planted this from Burpee's seed in 2006 and was very happy with its ability to stand the summer heat w/o bolting. Burpee never offered it this year, and I can find no reason why, or anyone else who might have the seed available. Does anyone know where else it might be found?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

It was a Burpee introduction and so far as I can tell no one else offered it.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

I wonder if it was too successful at not going to seed!

Orrs Island, ME

I recently contacted Burpee to inquire about the status of Crispy Frills lettuce and they said that they never heard of it!

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

The space aliens took it.

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