Morning glories and clematis?

Providence, RI

Some self-seeding morning glories are climbing my established clematis The President. Will that work, or will they choke the clematis?

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I'd think it would be ok. I had Morning Glories climbing on my tomato plants last year, and there was no problem.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Only problem I see, is when the growing season is over, your two vines will be intetwinned. Hard to separate them?

Providence, RI

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm not worried about the intertwining -- I leave them there as a scaffolding for young vines the next year. I like having rustic twigs on the arbor in winter.

My fear was that they'd strangle the growing stem of the clematis, so it ended up with striped grooves and couldn't grow thicker to support the top growth.

Nobody had a horror tale like that, though. Indiana_lily's tomatoes didn't choke, and those stems do grow thicker.

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