clematis 'Snow Queen'

Eureka, NV

I recently bought 'Snow Queen', a purported two-year-old. I had read that this clematis was somewhat shade tolerant. New to clematis, I planted it in normal potting soil in a partly shady location and kept it well watered ("cool"). It grew a few new leaves even though it's main stems were bent through shipping. Then one day it crisped! The company that I bought it from has literature that states that if this should occur, the plant is not dead and will come back next year! It has been terribly hot (95+ deg) for the past month here in Nevada. Is that the cause? Of course, before reading this literature I ordered 'Venosa Violacea' and 'Emilia Platter' to replace 'Snow Queen' from the same company. I had told this company to hold off on shipping due to the temperatures but there was a miscommunication and both plants arrived pretty crispy. (The company has certainly offered to replace them). Should I indulge in patient diligence with these two? Or are clematis very sensitive and non-recuperable plants?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You planted it in normal potting soil?..Are you saying it's in a pot and not the ground?..It probably crisped because it wasn't getting enough water..remember that plants in pots can dry out quicker than in the garden..I have three "Snow Queens" and they are getting quite a bit of sun...clematis love to have their roots stay moist..not soggy but moist....what zone are you in?...I find the hotter zones that clematis can do best in just morning sun and afternoon shade...waiting to plant in fall would most probably be best for you....the weather is cooler and the roots have a long time to get adjusted before winter ...if it's just turned brown..prune down to the 2nd or 3rd leaf axil and keep should start sending up new vines this year and if not and you keep it moist will re-emerge next year...mulching will help the clematis roots stay moist....

Eureka, NV

'Snow Queen' was planted in a large redwood box that I had built together with two epimediums which are very healthy looking. I would say that the location is one of dappled light with perhaps 1/2 - 1 hour of afternoon sun. I am in zone 5a.

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