Weight Loss Challange July 7 - 14

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Well, here we are 1/4 of the way thru another month. It will be half gone by the end of this week. Where has time gone? Moving to fast for me, that's for sure.

The family meeting wasn't all that good, but it aired a lot of hurt and anger. Whether or not anything will really change remains to be seen. Maybe I am being too negative. Kyle is so much like his father I have my doubts. But the other 2 children did agree that they need to take a more active part in the maintanance of the house, yard, fencerows, etc. And that when something needs to be done I am just to send all of them a note saying what it is. Nothing more, just what the need is. Who will do it is up to them. And I am not to get in a hurry for it to be done. Or do it myself or hire someone to do it and pay them myself. Just like when Jack way here. Some of the tasks got done yesterday and that was good.

I was horrified when I got on the scale yesterday morning. Either all this stress is creating a huge weight gain or I have eaten something that has triggered a huge water retention or something. I wanted to cry and scream when I saw that number. This is the heaviest I have been since a year ago I think. All in 2 - 3 weeks time too.

Chuck, I am so happy for you. One of our sons stutters badly and always has. Doctors said it is because his mind is several sentences ahead of his ability to speak the words so he has make his mind slow down. He is a true hyperactive. Like his father, he has tested out on the IQ tests as a genius. I don't think he has had contentment in his spirit and life for years. I will have to remember what GOD showed you and try to put it into practice myself. Right now I am lacking in contentment for sure. There is a lot of information out at this time about cortisol being a stress related hormone that causes weight gain. I think I must have a lot of it right now and you have just lost a lot of it. What a relief that revelation must be to you.

Ally, where do you get all that energy? But I know from experience that somehow when we need to be there a LOT for someone we love GOD gives us the energy to do it and other activities that we need for relaxation.

Kim, working around all those goodies must be so difficult for weight loss. I tried a couple of those chocolate covered expresso beans a couple summers ago. I was warned to never eat more than 4 at a time because of the caffine content. After 2 my heart raced for hours and I thought I was going to explode I was so nervous. That was one high I will probably never forget. Fortunately I had a lot of physical activity going on that day so I could work off some of it.

Lenjo, how do the berry crops look this year? Have you had the weather you need for good crops? Do you do all the picking or is it at leastly partly a pick your own type business. Either one sounds like a lot of work.

I just now remembered that a phone call interupted my gazelle workout so I need to get back to it. So I'll just say hello to everyone, thanks for standing with me thru all this emotional upset and GOD bless each of you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers daily. I know GOD has a good plan for each of our lives.

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