The Best Thing/Worse Thing and What did I learn Today..Pt 9

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, thought we'd start with a clean slate this morning! Feels like rain but they weather man said it would be a gorgeous day...packing up my painting materials and leaving by 7:30 .. Hope I can keep my eyes open today...

Just wanted to say 'good morning' to all of you..look forward to hearing about your day when I come home this aft.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Okay, I'll start.

Best thing: I'm up at 4:45a.m.

Worst thing: I've been awake since about 3:00a.m.

What I've learned: When DH has to get up at 4:20 to go to a golf tournament, I am the one who wakes up waiting for the alarm - need to get one for HIS side of the bed.

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Just popped in to say good morning.....supposed to be a hot one here today, but even hotter tomorrow and monday...near 100. I'll be out in the gardens this morning and then hiding in the AC til it cools off again this evening.

LOL Murmur! Does hubs golf tournament last long enough for you to get an afternoon nap in? You are in my thoughts.

We've had a good amount of rain this week and I have moved about ten new plants out of their pots and into their new homes in the ground. Only have about 40 more to go.....ripping out all but the bones and redoing all of the overgrown beds seemed like a good idea this spring....but now I need to wait for them to fill in such thing as a happy medium here.

Everyone have a wonderful day...ttyl

BTW....I have no crafts to show. *hangs head in shame* That's what makes seeing the projects you all have created extra special to me. It's nice to have crafty and talented DG friends. Some people knit or paint...I brush and finger groom to keep my hands busy! lol

A smile from one of my "brushees" to start your day....

Thumbnail by tangiegirl
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh my, if that isn't the cutest little sweetheart!!! I'm shamefully dumb on breeds - what is he/she?

No nap for me - Wednesdays and Saturdays are trips to Seattle days to visit my parents. DH cooked for them yesterday so I will be bringing them their dinners today and taking my mom out for awhile. They are both 87 (my dad's almost 88) and my mom has Alzheimer's. It does her a world of good to get out for a bit and gives my dad time to himself. However, it does mean that neither DH and I will get home until this evening some time (his tournament is several hours away).

Another good thing for today, though: I will stop by my granddaughter's apartment on my way to see the folks. I'm bringing her some candle holders and candles, a lamp, and some cleaning supplies (perfect excuse to see her - not that I really need one!).

Parkville, MD(Zone 6b)

Good Morning,

What I've Learned: I have learned my cacti are not dead they suddenly started to show growth (not sure how or why yet).

Worst Thing: lost a cucumber plant today went into HAZMAT mode, bagged and tag it. Checking to make sure nothing else is effected or infected.

Best Thing: Made my own coffee today instead of driving to 7-11.
Hey! It's still early. Looking forward to having something top this great coffee.

"May all your plants stay green"

Planter sends...

Pacifica, CA

good morning all,

welcome 3516 planter

murmur, have a great time with all the family
tangiegirl,oh i love your pomeranian looks awfully spoiled!!
betty, were you up late last night, hope you can catch a nap
well off to craigs list to map out my garage sales everyone have a wonderful day liz

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Liz got it right Murmur....Meeks is a pomeranian and he is a boy...well, used to a friend of mine says "he has a tent but no campers" *smile*

Good luck on your yard sale finds Liz......hope you get everything you want and still come home with $$$ in your pocket.

Came back to remind everyone to be especially kind to Mother Earth. Today the "Live Earth" concerts are being held worldwide. Keep your personal footprint small and follow the wisdom of our Native Americans...

"We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children"

*Honor the sacred.
Honor the Earth, our Mother.
Honor the Elders.
Honor all with whom we share the Earth:-
Four-leggeds, two-leggeds, winged ones,
Swimmers, crawlers, plant and rock people.
Walk in balance and beauty.*

Happy 07 07 07!

This message was edited Jul 7, 2007 9:21 AM

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Sometime on the thread yesterday I showed some paintings to explain what was meant by "shading" in painting leaves.....later in the day another one of you asked if that was the work of the young artist who is showing currently in my gallery. I didn't take the time to answer last night, but no, the paintings were mine, and I just showed them as an example of shading and contrast. thanks for asking.
Have a good day.

Nipomo, CA(Zone 8a)

For yesterday
Best~~Was able to help out a friend who always helps me.
Worst~~Too many fires. Getting too close for comfort. It is official this has been the driest year for southern california ever! Well sense they started keeping records anyway. I think we may be close to having to ration our water.
What I learned~Many of my friends here at DG are so artistic!

For today
Best~~It is Saturday and it is not to hot.
Worst~~I sleep in too long, burned too much daylight
What I learned~~I can't eat too many sweets, especially at breakfast because it makes me go into a sugar coma, (the reason I slept to late, I ate a couple danish and went back to bed)

Nipomo, CA(Zone 8a)

Love the p.i.t.a. I may have to start calling my boss Mr. Pita instead of Tony.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Well hello there everyone, and a special welcome to 3516Planter...Planter are your cacti in the house or outdoors...I guess many of them flower? I've only ever had 2 which came from a grouping of plants I was given and it did not take me more than a few weeks to kill them off...guess the closest to cacti I have is Christmas Cactus..they don't look healthy but they are still living... did DH make out at anything special..will he be going on tour shortly??? How was the visit to your mom and dad's..must be a terrible thing for a man to watch his wife fade away..and visa/versa..they are lucky to have you and DH..

Tangie-Meeks is Aunt had one ions ago, had no voice..cutest little could see him just a yapping but nothing came out...during my homework period last night I believe I watched some of 'live earth' from poem cuts to the truth doesn't it...what we pass on is what our grandchildren will inherit..

Liz..what wonderful treasures did you find today..I had to be in Barrie for 8:45am so couldn't do my Sat. hunt for things I really don't need lol

Shar I loved the photo's of your batique I'm doing next Sunday has similar colors..looking forward to it..the chair today is a little tooo cutesy for me...but on a chair it will be okay...I enjoy more trompe l' did you day go? Sorry I haven't been around much these past few days but haven't had an hour to myself...Kyle (grandson #1) just called to say he was coming over to keep me company..I'll probably be sleeping by 8pm..then he'll have to babysit me...
Made it through the day, tired though..we did not end up painting outside because of the heat but did have our 'pot luck' luncheon outside..was nice, but we all took far too much time and came home with unfinished projects..hopefully tomorrow I'll finish the back, put chair together and place it on front lawn with it's table...

Didn't especially enjoy this type of's flick the brush here, flick the brush structure so it will be okay when put into the chair..when I took photo to show you all the house looks off kilter but that's because the chair is concave...

Dayna we've had rain and by no means are we anywhere as dry as you are in CA but we are on minimal ration..because my house # is 18 I'm even numbers so I get to water tomorrow and then every 2nd day and only before 7 am or after 7 pm...looks like we may get rain tonight..that would bans are on as close would the fires be to you..would you be affected by the smoke???

Show you the painting class...girl on left closest to you is one of my best girlfriends..her name is Diane...she's a beautiful artist but she wasn't overly fond of this project either...

Picture on the left side wall is the batique I'm doing next Sunday...glutten for punishment...

This message was edited Jul 7, 2007 6:33 PM

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

This is what we did today..still bottom left hand corner to finish and mega flowers along with the lady..lot's of work..tomorrow's another remember looks crooked and off tilt but only because the back is concave..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Pacifica, CA

oh betty its beautiful

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Worst thing of the day?
The weight scale reveals I've lost several pounds due to all the
fresh and nummy produce from our garden. I need
calories and carbohydrates or I'm going to disappear!
I can't afford to lose weight. :-(

Best thing of the day?
Built new shelves in my closet and now it is so organized,
I'm afraid the OCD police will come after me!

What I've learned today:
That I miss these threads!

Pic is of my new baby, Little Miss Libby! Those eyes!

Thumbnail by WUVIE
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

wuvie!!! hello sweetie...

OMG betty, my jaw just dropped to the ground. i would have to say that you are the most talented lady i have ever met!! oh how i wish i lived near you.....that is awesome!

i went out yesterday and bought a draw set on wheels. you know the type? metal frame and white plastic drawers? i sorted all my beading out and put it there so its easy access to use instead of digging through a box in the shed.

I am also going to replace all my folk art goodies i had slowly (gave them all away silly me) and i may take up scrap booking and card making so i have something to fill my time. i would love to learn from you! your students and friends are sooooo lucky, i totally admire you...

i used to do this and that and then when my first husband left me, i dont know i kind of shut it all down... i threw things out and gave them away because somehow i thought they still connected me to him. sounds strange i know. now i realize they connected me to me and i lost myself along the way somehow. now, you have inspired me to pick myself up again and see what i can do. thankyou for that.

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Wonder, what a 'wonder' ful post!

Indeed, Betty is one that could inspire us all! I admire her
multiple talents and often secretly drool over her projects.


Pacifica, CA

wuvie, what a sweetie how old is she oh and you can come here for a month you'll put on the weight we know all the bad places,great foccica bread in north beach in san francisco
and a good bakery in china town and oh ya the italian bakery oh the list can grow a mile long!!! lol
wonder, you sure sound good and very up,thats so good to hear

betty, not to much the plant stands were from a estate sale 4.00 a peice and the table is a funny story....
i saw this add on craigs list left over garage sale items for free it wasnt to far from home just across town so i went and saw this table it was that mint green color chipped paint ect, well i thought i could do something with it so i picked up the glass and the home owner pulled up in the driveway, i was so embarrassed felt like a criminal she greeted me and said take all you want i have no time for the table, so i proceeded to put the glass in the back and went to load it in my car well it does not fit omg frantic i tryed to fit it in the back seat still no luck this table was metal and where the glass sits it was a wood frame and is quite heavy, dh had the truck and by no means was i going to call him lol so i turned it sideways and wedged it in the trunk i had no rope and i was not leaving without it...
so desperate to make it fit i thought i had it pretty stable so i rested the trunk on it praying it wouldnt fly out and damage someone elses car it was 25 all the way home with some irritated drivers behind me i broke out in such a hot sweat that i was going to get a ticket i took every side street possible to get it safely home so off to home depot to get some spray paint rust-oleum has that american accent stone finish so my free table cost me 30.00 in spray paint just cant win sometimes lol

Thumbnail by lizrainey
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Liz still a good deal, have you priced outdoor stuff these days? I could buy a entire sofa set for what outdoor patio set is going for.

Betty the chair is beautiful, if that's something you don't like it doesn't show at all. I met a man today at Barnes and Nobel LOL wanted so badly to ask him for his email so ya'll two could chat, he's a retired engineer that went back at 60 and got an art degree. He was very talented. We struck up a conversation (DH had dropped me off and gone to see Ratatouille) about latte and he ended up telling me about being in WWII and then showing me his art etc...just a great guy. LOL DH says I can talk to a sign post, I blame it on being southern but I really think it's just me.

Wuvie, better watch that kitty she's gonna be a vamp. With those eyes Betty or have Tallulah, after Betty Davis or Tallulah Bankhead. And if you need weight I'll give you some of mine, pick a thigh...heck for that matter pick a toe!

Wonder did you ever post pictures of your beading? I miss so much...I'm ADD to the much to focus on and so little brain.

Cardiff, ON(Zone 4a)

Herbie - DH is a teacher so we get a nice summer holiday. We would get nine weeks instead of seven but the schools in our area start two weeks earlier than in the rest of Ontario. That's to make up for our two week-long hunt breaks. We have one in the fall and one in the spring. Most of our community is a Cree reservation so having the hunt breaks is important.

Betty - your chair is beautiful. You are so talented. I'm also always amazed at all you do.

So for one of my talents, here is a dress that I designed and sewed. SIL got married last October and I needed a dress. I was 8 months pregnant. Also, it is next to impossible to get zippers, buttons, nice fabric or patterns here. So I needed to make a dress that didn't need any fasteners yet would look nice enough to wear to a wedding. I had bought the fabric during the summer because I fell in love with it. I love orange and I love paisley and this fabric combined them. I also happened to have the lighter colour on hand as well.

Thumbnail by gillibean
Cardiff, ON(Zone 4a)

As an added bonus I wore it for Hallowe'en when DH and I dressed up as Anakin and Padme Skywalker from The Clone Wars. (She's pregnant in that movie.)

Thumbnail by gillibean
Parkville, MD(Zone 6b)

Betty, My cacti are indoors facing the west. I had three pretty yellow flowers last year then nothing. Suddenly last month (a year later) little somethings started popping out of the sides (will learned the proper names) when I believed it had died. Big surprise to me, had one that I watched for a little over a year before I was told it was very dead.

Nice paintings, I can't paint a wall.

Liz your tale of getting the table home just about cause me to spill my coffee, and the table looks great.

planter sends...

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful dress, Gillibean. Admirable talent.

Pacifica, CA


lol and i didnt tell dh about all the comotion it was that night he went in the back yard and had a cigarette and said where did you get that table? i tryed to play stupid and said what table i got the look and had to confess, he just shook his head now he likes it so it was a happy ending

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Omigosh - where do I start???!!!

The chair - good grief, Betty, I would buy that in a heartbeat . . . I admit I'm into cutesy. It really is downright marvelous!!

The kitty - no appropriate words come to mind . . . just plain beautiful with just the right amount of impishness . . . please share more photos!

The table - love the story, love the table, love the happy ending!!!

The dress - talk about talent!!!!! And for anyone to look that gorgeous when they are eight months pregnant should be against the law!!

As for the rest of my day:

The worst thing - like an idiot, I forgot the meals that DH had cooked for the folks . . . didn't realize it until I had already gone through the ferry toll booth.

Two best things - I stopped by my granddaughter's place again and brought her a few things (LOVE having her so close!!!) and I took my mom for a ride all the way back to my house on the island and then back to her place again (she was in seventh heaven!).

What I learned - two 60+ mile round trips from my place to the folks and back, when I've only had about four hours sleep at the most, makes for one tired Murmur!!

DH said he didn't golf particularly well, but he had a great time. These tournaments are sponsored by his former local union (he retired almost four years ago) so he gets to see a lot of guys he used to work with.

Time for a quick salad and to bed (I got home quite awhile ago, but had to unload the car as I made a trip to Costco and one to Fred Meyer for more containers which I didn't need) and had to hear about DH's day.

Nitey nite, all.

Nipomo, CA(Zone 8a)

Oh my gosh! That chair was blank yesterday wasn't it? You can make a good living with talent like that.

Chester County, PA(Zone 6b)

Morning to all. Don't know what I 'm doing up this early but here I am.

Betty, that chair is the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

Gillibean...I thnk that dress proves that dressmaking is an art, and you are beautiful.

Hope you slept well, Murmur, after your marathon day of travel. Thinking of you.

Liz...great table and table story.....glad you didn't get in dutch for your find...sometimes the H's don't know what they NEED, until we show them.

Wuvie...Miss Libby is one beautiful kitty.....what a face! I know she'll give you many years of laughter and cuddles. Congrats.

Dayna...good thoughts coming your way to keep the fires at bay and for also all who are in it's path.

Betty...Meeks does bark....we call him our little alarmist because he always barks first and then the others catch on and join in. Thankfully they are not a yappy bunch and don't bark unless there's a reason. Of course, that reason could be a dastardly bunny or a woodchuck just as easily as a car coming down the drive...but all in all, they're just noisy enough to make me feel safe.
Best? Put some more baby plants in the ground and picked my first beans, more peas and another tomato...and didn't lose this's safe on the kitchen window sill until lunch today.

Worst? We had a hard rain the other night and I guess some moisture seeped into the bird feeder outside the kitchen door. It stopped the seed from coming out of the feeder and poor birdies had no food. I fixed it yesterday and I know they have lots of other things to eat this time of year, but I still felt badly about it. They are usually lined up at the feeder...I enjoy them with my morning coffee everyday.....but not this morning....I miss them and hope they come back.

Learned? I don't care for mid week holidays.....I feel all off schedule. We work a four day week and because of the 4th we were off wednesday, but then worked friday, a normal day off. Two day weekends are too short for me now...I feel cheated!

Stay cool everyone.....high 90's here today. Be well......Jan

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, having my coffee with you all, thank for the started to rain about 1/2 hr ago..were calling for mid 90's today so perhaps the stormis just passing through and rain will cool things down..saves me watering today though..more time for play..

Kyle came over to spend night with grandma..he's still sleeping so I'm trying to stay quiet- told him I'd take him out for breakfast so that will be fun...Sailor is going insame..she's terrified of thunder so I'd better go and calm her down..kitties are relaxed and waiting for storm to pass...if I pick up one more mole that they've brought home as a gift for me..well, don't kow what I'll do..frightened me half the time when they put them in unsuspecting places..

talk later

Pacifica, CA

morning all,

betty, i hope the rain passes you'll have a wonderful visit with kyle
and for the longest time i was trying to figure out the (muskoka chair) well duh im so stuck on stupid today we call them adirondack chairs ,lol i was searching and searching trying to look at patterns then it hit,
oh it gets better, the ruhbarb its a root no wonder im having such a hard time oh i tell you i have the black cloud over me right now lol im going to hide under a rock all day but before i do im going for more coffee have a great day all liz

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Poof - lost my post. I will try again.

I keep going back to look at that gorgeous chair and all the details. I wouldn't let anyone sit in it -LOL My version of art involves stick figures. I am with Planter - can't paint a wall.

Yesterday Best: working the farmer's market and getting to talk tomatoes.

Worst: not too much except John has decided to cancel my health insurance as of Sept. 1st.

Learned: between getting health insurance and buying new tires I better not plan any fancy vacations!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Well it's not the day they had called for..dreary looking outside although at present it's not raining..we had a wonderful morning..went for breakfast, then to Canadian Tire, purchased a table for my chair..went to Giant Tiger, bought a tent unit that folds neatly into a circle bag for the boat, some treats for Kyle, some berries and of course 3 plants.baloon plant, hardy winter hybiskus (?) and babysbreath they need to be planted..oh yes, Kyle thought we should have new tv bingo colors hmmmm

So I've just changed from my Sunday best, son Greg picked Kyle up, they are going to do more work on the 'Foxy Lady' and I'm going to cut grass then paint and put the chair together..that will about fill in my day..

So off I go before the rain later

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

gillibean - its nice being a teacher. LOL. and a very nice dress.

betty - if i stay on this thread long enough will i learn what a batique is.

i really love those pictures

best thing - was at work at 4 a.m. today and got to leave at 2.30 p.m.

worst thing - my mets lost to st. louis

what i learned - when you get up at 2 a.m. you start to get tired around 6 p.m.

have a great day everyone

Victoria Harbour, ON

I am just going to cry...I've typed for OMG about 1/2 hr..some of the comments above made me nostalgic and I almost wrote a book to you all and darn there was someone I wanted to check their post on the previous thread and rather than press minimize I pressed the red 'x'
Gee Willikers...will I try it again?????

Well I'm off upstairs to get something to munch on and something to drink and I'll come back down and post it again ...

Just put the chair together and it's have to pick up the 2nd chair so I can sit with a friend and enjoy the day (right)...

Victoria Harbour, ON

oooops forgot the can tell I'm tired tonight...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Colors don't show up as bright, but it will give you an idea...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

I'll try to post some of my previous comments..perhaps it would be wise when you are long in the tooth to press send periodically right... didn't get his e-mail age..nice gentleman..enjoys crafts...match made in heaven lol..
Thought we must be very similar as I converse with absolutely everyone...SIL just shakes her this brought me to a story that came to my apologies if I offend anyone..I am not racial in any way...just thought you might enjoy...

As Recreation Co-ordinator for the Township of Georgian Bay I organized many DH wasn't one to travel, I would take my 2 or 3 weeks in the fall and take some seniors on a vacation using a large r.v. that belonged to a friend...the numbers were so large that we would bring lawn chairs and they would take turns sitting in them in order not to leave anyone behind...I was the sole driver, so they would all pay back then I think it was $300.00 each which was for transportation, accomodations. I was responsible for looking after the funds and keeping within budget..they on the other hand were responsible for food/entertainments costs and shopping...and..I would drive the amount of hours I felt I was able to in a day and I'd stop wherever I felt they might enjoy and when we would settle in at the hotel, I had a room to myself to unwind..unwind you try to take when you are about 35 yrs old 12 ladies between aged of 65 - 80 with you and be in constant you understand why I needed my own room...

Well, we stopped of at Memphis did all the tours and then to Baton Rouge - we left for Florida so we did take a little off the beaten track side why not spend a few days in New Orleans...

Now, you have to remember we lived in a pretty secluded area in Ontario at that time, many of these women had never been more than 100 miles from their home, so absolutely everything was new to them...

We are in the south and we are now a minority..mostly coloured and cajun this interested my travellers and at the same time intimidated them as well...

We decided to stay not too far from Bourbon Street so it took several hours in extreme heat...several of the women were saying the rosary as they thought this might be the end of people are so funny!!! It was a long day, remember now, I had to find hotels that were in my budget..everything to the penny, so I did infact find a lovely hotel not far from the action but parking my R.V. was going to be the problem...the hotel attendant came out, parking was underground, and there could not have been more than 1/2" between the roof of the underground parking and the top of the r.v. I would drive an inch, meanwhile the attendant had climbed on back railing of r.v. to eye just how much space...soooo finally we're parked, have 4 rooms booked, 3 with 4 in it and a single room ALL with connecting doors..and, it's about 4pm..everyone is on it's relaxing time...

I'd better press send.....

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

and, and, and. spit it out.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

lol knowing New Orleans and living around Cajuns I'm almost afraid to hear the end of this.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Now just prior to my getting the rooms, I'm looking for my wallet, now we all begin to panick because remember I have the gas money, hotel money and now NO MONEY!

After about 1/2 hr looking I remember the last time I gased the R.V. I put the wallet under my seat..down to the underground parking and voila...wallet full of money..thanks about stress...I wouldn't have done well with these old ladies working street corners to get funds to get back home...hmmmm (not come on all you girls/ have to laugh at that thought)....

It was early morning in Baton Rouge that we had breakfast, a few had made something to eat in the r.v. but not substantial... Now that the panick was over and we were settled in for a few days...they decide that a couple of drinks would be in order as a form of relaxation before our night out on the town..

If I have a drink, it's a drink you'll see me with most of the day and probably only to look 'social', now I have had 4 or 5 maybe a few times in my 59 years and I've paid for it dearly..after 2 I'm zonko...zonko but very,very social...

So these old gals go in their bags and get a bottle or 2 out that they keep for medicinal purposes to get a good night sleep (I'm gullible..I'll believe it) they are thankful for the opportunity to see New Orleans attractions and want me to relax... so a drink is in order, probably not an ounce drink either...then another, then another and we were having the time of our lives...these women were the best of the best...they knew I had taken my vacation to bring them here and they were not going to let me be under any the drinks continued...

Now it's time for us to leave for Bourbon Street...transportation pick up was right at our front that was a plus and all the action only about 1 or 2 miles down the street..(action..can you looking for action-way toooo funny!) so the hotel manager comes to our groupnow these old gals are panick stricken..streets are dangerous..should we go out or not? sooo we do we're warned and we're off...

Now we are sitting on a bus and I would say we are a minority, the only white at this time of night, but that's remember my saying I'm social, well here I am, looking at all these coloured people and I can't figure out why they would be treated any different than any other individual and why some worry about being in some of their, off I go, sitting, laughing, joking and being their best new friend...I'm telling them that "I have no idea why anyone would not love them..why people are afraid of then, in fact, I've got pen in hand and notepad, writting my address and telephone number down, am sure they'd love to visit Canada, why not visit me...plenty of room, live on some of the nicest waterways etc.
Actually hated to get off that bus, was having so much fun..thanks goodness I didn't bring all the money..I'd have surely given it out to everyone...I'm sure they thought I was an escaped NUTZO...the seniors are going crazy after what the manager had warned us of and to see me leaving them on their own to make new friends...we'll they were frantic..but had a few as well..this one granny called 'Alice' don't think she ever had a drink in her life...and now she had a couple..she just kept saying, please don't tell anyone, please...nice photo's we took of her sipping on a

So now we're on Boubon Street and it's time to eat, some ordered crawfish soup, others had delicacies that to me, were simply skeletons of something..anyway, I'm having much toooo much fun, I'm socializing at every table, they are offering me something to eat, drink you name it...I'm 'happy,happy,happy' now finally we get to the entertainment, I LOVE step-dancing and have won many awards..I'm on stage dancing to the fiddle, telling jokes, thought I was on the 'comic club' or something...we got back to the hotel around had to come 4 or 5 times to tell us to be quiet..imagine, he even said we were more roudy than the groups who came for Mardi Gras..imagine..these nice little old ladies led by this young, my lovely little room ended up being the washroom floor....

The next morning they got me up around 10 as I had arranged a boat cruise up the I want to take a boat here we go, I found a bench on the bottom floor and slept all would have thought I was in a arms were completely black, now I'm not fibbing, black and blue, not an inch of skin color..guess these ladies were trying to control me and kept pulling and tugging me by my arms all night...lordy,lordy I was sore..sick/sore and promised never to have a drink again...

DH told me when I got back (guess I called him about 10 times throughout the evening and had him talking to friends at the restaurant who came from all parts of the world..well, they could visit Canada couldn't they..half of New Orleans had my telephone number....) anyway DH said I couldn't play with the seniors to say it was months later that I kept waiting for a call that someone would take me up on one did, but I really think it was because they thought I'd escaped from a mental institution...

So Araness, when you say you talk 'to anyone' that's one of my experiences...have many many more I could tell..but won't....

See what little comments by you lovely people do, it brings back nostalgic

So do want to post to all of you but it's that time...can hardly keep my eyes open...4:45 am comes early...

Please all do have a wonderful evening...and I sincerely hope I didn't offend anyone....

This message was edited Jul 8, 2007 8:52 PM

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

ROFLMAO...ohh we would so get along.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I am now a prim and proper "older" lady, but during my drinking days I was the life of the party - any party, anytime, anywhere. Whew - glad I left those days behind!!!

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