Little HOODLUMS!!!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I got home from work today and took my "walk of life" which is strolling the property to see what's blooming. I came across this patch of garden which looks heaved up and full of close to a hundred seedlings. Except I did not plant any seeds there. The only thing I can figure is that a chipmunk den is under there and their stash of seeds took root after the recent hard rains we've had. Think I could train them??

Thumbnail by venu209
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

This is one of their tunnels about 6 feet away. Anybody familiar with sunflower seedlings, which would be my guess??

Thumbnail by venu209
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

OMG that is too cute..... yes, they look like they could be sunflowers :) Free plants! *lol*


Sedalia, MO

Thats what they are. I feed my birds and squirrls, sunflower seeds and thats what I have comming up all around my tree.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

Is it OK if I post a picture of my Hoodlum? *lol*
This is such a good mommy.....comes out every night and uses her snout to "root around" for Japanese Beetle grubs to bring back under my shed to her babies *lol*. She looks everywhere for these my lawns, my flower beds, the blueberries, anywhere she can fit her snout.
It's really not as bad as you would think........I certainly don't get as many Japanese Beetles as all my neighbors do and I'm the one with the most flowers *lol*. They need a pet like ours *lol*
My all white cat actually "hangs" with them. I think they think she is a mutant *lol*


Thumbnail by kimskreations
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Pepe Le Pue!! Sacre blue. Obviously French was NOT my strong subject. If she gets rid of JBs KEEP her. lol

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I think baby skunks are sooo cute.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

In another few weeks I'm sure she'll be prancing around with the babies.....maybe I will be able to get a shot of them :)
Can't get too close you know.....she sensed I was there thanks to the flash and up went the tail *lol*


Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

They are cute but I learned the hard way to stay far, far away. My dog startled one on a walk one night and the odor was so powerful that I actually vomited. I can't imagine a predator killing one (except a car)

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Kim, we cross posted. But, yes, when that tail goes up , run like *ell!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I must be strange - though skunk smell is not nice, I don't find it nearly as disgusting as most others do. There are many worse smells to me. A decomposing animal, for example.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Never smelled a decomposing animal.

Sedalia, MO

You don't want to either. Yuck Yuck

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

True . . .

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

The NYC subway system in August is another one that comes to mind.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

dead oppossum in the middle of the road (is that a song) stinks anyways

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Victor if you've ever been in a skunk's direct line of fire, it is more than a smell. It nauseates and disorients. Burning tires, decomposing flesh and alfalfa tea don't even come close.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

*lol* Luckily my "pets" don't seem to direct spray anything .... YET but sometimes in the spring there is the distinct smell of skunk in the shed which they live under for some reason but only in the spring. Haven't quite figured that one out yet. They have never really sprayed my cat but sometimes in the spring (again only in the spring) he will have a faint oder of skunk after hanging out with them. It's not the strong smell you would expect but more or a whiff. *lol*

Sedalia, MO

I used to have a skunk that lived under a shed we had, and she never sprayed either, maybe they don't spray where they live.Although my DD had one under her house in town and it sprayed alot, she finally got animal control to trap it.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

In the spring we had a skunk that would roam the yard, I had to keep the windows shut the smell was so strong. I hold my breath whenever I pass road kill. Another unpleasant smell is when someone is getting their septic pumped. YUCK!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Love the sign on the waste disposal truck: YOURS, MINE AND OURS.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Better one would be, 'Political promises inside'.

(Zone 4a)

Cute picture...that is pretty amazing! Luckily I have never come face to face with a skunk! Ewwwww!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I had one in my house! Alot of drama, especially when our cat returned home, but after an hour or 2 he left w/o spraying.
Never so quick to shut a door!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

How did you get him out of the house w/o spraying??!!

(Zone 4a)

??? I would like to know too...however I have never had this happen to me. Usually we just have oversexed male cats looking to pollinate my female cat.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Somehow the slider on our family room was left open and the skunk entered. We tried setting food outside, etc but nothing moved him. Then, as the door was open, our fairly aggressive cat returned. For some weird reason, a confrontation didn't happen and eventually the skunk got bored and left. We just were lucky.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I'd say you were can you just imagin the oder for ever !!!!! oh my you are so lucky

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Yes! Thank you Gloria.

Cape Cod, MA(Zone 7a)

A similar thing happened at my mothers' house one evening several years brother still lived there at the time, and he got up to use the bathroom. When he flipped on the light, a raccoon family was eating the cat food out of the dish kept in the bathroom. They left quietly, too...not before they scared the heck out of my brother, though. :) Apparently he had forgotten to close the glass slider door, and they had opened the screen

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Raccoons can be large!

Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Speaking of decomposing animals.....*bleeeck*

My dogs scored a rabbit last week, right after the trash had already been picked up on Monday. So I carefully picked the goner up and placed it in a plastic bag and tossed it in the trash for next weeks pickup. Don't EVER do that.

Tuesday, 95 degrees, Wednesday 95 degrees, Thursday.....OH MY GOD!!!!! WHAT THE H*** IS THAT?????

Never in my life have I smelled anything like that. The entire garage was engulfed in horror! And if you opened the lid to add something, the smell even stuck to your clothing! We could not wait until trash pickup day on Monday. We've been trying to deodorize and clean that can ever since.

Life lessons can be hard sometimes.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Oh that's awful, Jenta.

Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

OMG What a horrible experience!!
I'm sure that if you had buried it the dogs would have dug it back up?
I can't imagine.....I think I'd rather smell the skunks *lol*

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

OMG - I don't even want to think what the trashmen have to put up with! Thank goodness you took care of the problem first.

Boy, I don't envy you. The best my cat can bring down is a small bird - easily buried.

Cuyahoga Falls, OH

My husband requested that if it happens again, I'm to stick it in the freezer until trash day. Not a pleasant thought either, but probably makes sense. :)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Talk about cats bringing "treats" my brother's cat brings all his and drops them on the welcome mat at their front door, his favorite is baby bunnies, poor things.
I'm having problems with squirrels digging in all my containers now that all my flowers are blooming. I actually had to put chicken wire around my hanging basket, looks so tacky.
I went to transplant one hanging basket last week and found a burnt hamburger bun buried in it(my husband burnt a batch the week before and left them for the birds) guess the squirrel wanted it more.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

One of my earliest memories is of a tom-cat, "Boots" we had when I was 4. Boots was a very good cat, and would have made a great father . . . when each of my brothers were born, Boots would catch birds and put them in the crib for the baby.

My mother is terrified of birds (alive or dead - probably watched the Hitchcock movie too many times lol). So naturally, I was sent to get the dead bird and take it outside.

The birds were dead - but not bloody, there was no mess.

I have never heard of another tom-cat acting in such a way.

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