Will seeds germinate easily?

(Zone 1)

Hi to all you Expert Amaryllis Growers! I have a few unnamed Amaryllis in pots in my screened pool enclosure .... may be a couple more in the flower beds somewhere too. Anyway, this one bloomed a month or so ago and I don't even remember what color it was ... but I think it was maybe picotee. Anyhow, I noticed a couple of weeks ago a seed pod and today saw that it was bursting open ... and has seeds showing. Should I plant these and if so do they germinate easily? Or would I be wasting my time trying to get new baby Amaryllis from seeds? Love these plants, don't know why I never save name tags! Here's a(not great) photo I just went out and took of this seed pod with the black seeds showing:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

plantlady, I started mine by floating them in water. Get a clear container and fill it with about 2 inches of water. The floating seeds should germinate within about two weeks.

Also, feel of the seeds. You should feel a slight bump in the center. If you don't feel the bump, they may not be viable.

Thumbnail by escambiaguy
(Zone 1)

Thanks Escambiaguy! I might just give it a try to see what happens!

Scott Bar, CA(Zone 6a)

Hi plantladylin, I tried sprouting my seeds this year for the first time. Usually I cut the stalks off when the bloom withers. I put 10 seeds in a bottle of water and ignored them for a couple of weeks and all sprouted--some left in the water for three more weeks with no problem. I also planted 10 seeds in regular potting mix with the points down and the tops exposed. These also sprouted 100% but later than the ones in the water. I now have 20 more plants to deal with--lol. Its been great fun and now I only have to wait about 3 years to see what I really have.


Here is the link to gordo's great post that guided me.

This message was edited Jul 7, 2007 9:28 PM

(Zone 1)

Thank's Y'all! I appreciate this great info. I haven't checked on my seed pod in a couple of days, but will get out there and collect those seeds before they are all over my deck! I am going to put them in water and see what I get!

Thanks again!


Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 10a)

Those of you who start the seeds in water...... when/how do you transplant them? Do they go into soil as soon as they start sprouting? Can you wait until there's a few leaves to ease handling? What type of soil mix do you use?

(Zone 1)

Well ... I just checked my seeds. One has sunk to the bottom of the jar but the remainder are still floating on top of the water! I guess I will just watch and wait and if sprouts appear I will plant them at that time. These seeds are new to me, so I really don't know what to expect.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I waited until the root was about an inch long, and then I planted them in regular MiracleGro potting soil. I think the more expensive kind that retains moisture would work better than the kind I used though.

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