need iris info - do not bloom and do not know the kind

Charleston, SC(Zone 8a)

These have been in the ground for years -- leaves look great... but have never bloomed. My guess is too much shade. when should i move them - and what info about fertilizer would be appreciated.

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

You sound like me. My cousin gave my mom irises (at least 50 of them). In the past 5 years or so I only got maybe 5 blooms since I planted them. Mom wanted them in with the rose of sharon. I never would have bought rose of sharon, myself,but I planted them there. I finally decided to heck with it and moved all of the irises. Everything I read led me to believe they were getting to much shade. Since I just finished moving them yesterday, I won't know if it worked until next year probably. I have no idea if I did right or wrong, but I am letting the rose of sharon take over that spot.

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

probably need divided. when you replant be careful how close you space them because you will be dividing again sooner rather than later. can divide now, i even divided some last fall and had no problems. may take a couple years to bloom.
new growth will grow in the direction of the fan end, so try to point away from another plant because when it bumps into another iris it will stop blooming.sometimes they go over and under another rhizome.

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

they're easy to divide. i used hand cultivator (either prong side or chopper side and hit right behind and pull toward you. they are near the surface of the soil so no deep digging.
the mother rhizome in middle sometimes mushy (food reserves depleted) no fans. new rhizomes to be replanted have fans. they just snap off the mother much like breaking a carrot in two. the roots are on the underside of the rhizome and are easy to use fingers to crumble off soil. you won't break roots. cut fans with scissors, trim roots , label fans with magic marker if you desire or know what they are and replant. rhizome top should be
exposed or a little pinch of soil thrown over, water.(i think in sunny south you cover a little with soil so they don't burn.

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