Mockingbird with broken (?) leg

Medford, NJ

One of my local mockingbirds showed up today with his left leg useless, he is flying around, using the birdbath, and eating, but when perching he goes down onto his tummy and when he comes down to the patio for some chopped peanuts, he will hop a bit and then tip over on his bad side, and his wing goes out to stabilize himself. The leg looks straight and normal like the other leg, but the foot itself is kind of curled under, limp, and he isn't using it at all.

Obviously I am concerned - it seems I attract alot of the local disabled critters, last year a squirrel with such a bad respiratory infection that both of her eyes were closed - and she had babies she was nursing at the time! This year a squirrel with one eye gone, and a chipmunk with a maimed front "paw."

I have seen both gulls and ducks/geese with one leg, has anyone ever seen a "regular" bird live this way? I am sure it will be an adjustment for him, but can he survive?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

It has a pretty good chance of survival - birds are amazingly adaptable at coping with injuries like this. As long as it doesn't get a broken wing, it should be OK.


Medford, NJ

I thought so, he seems a bit unstable - hence the wing going out to help him get his balance...and I am not sure how he feels... I would ask him but - well, you know.....

Anyway, will keep an eye on him, have some peanuts crushed into small pieces especially for him, and if he seems to get worse and slowing down, I will try to catch him and take him to our local wildlife refuge. Maybe there is something they could do, or at least put him out of his misery. But as long as he seems ok and mobile, eating and drinking and doing normal bird things, I will let nature take it's course. I would imagine if I lost the use of one of my legs, it would take a while to adjust!

Medford, NJ

Well, Mr Bad Leg Bird is still around, only the other day I saw HIM feeding an obviously younger mockingbird, so it seems my Mr Bad Leg is a MRS Bad Leg ( or Ms. Bad Leg if birds have "Womens Lib" ) But hey, wait a minute - male birds feed the babies too, so maybe he IS a progressive as I think I am, I just assumed it was a female doing all the work.

Either way, I guess I will never know, but I don't think i have to worry about this bird. If he has managed to raise a family with only one leg, he is fine!

Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Excellent news!!!

The grackle that washes all his food flew into a window pane back in the winter. He has a stiff leg but does just fine. Well, maybe he hurt his head too since he tries to wash crackers.

Medford, NJ

It must be a grackle thing, they like to take the bread cubes and bread crusts I put out and go to the birdbath, dunk them until they are a wet mess,( the birdbath gets so slimy and disgusting looking ) and then they partially eat the now liquified bread and fly off --- I suspect they are regurgitating it back up for their babies.

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