propagation is prohibited?

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

i was shopping the other day at a very upscale nursery, and saw some beautiful fancy coneflower cultivars which said "propagation is prohibited." I thought it was some sort of copyright issue, and laughed about it with DH.
i went somewhere else, and found the sea holly plant i was looking for (i hope its the kind i want, it was the only one i could find...), and now i have it at home, i noticed its tag says the same thing.
what does this mean?
if it grows well, and reseeds, am i in trouble? are there plant police to come after me (like the library police who come after you for late books...)


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

You are not allowed to propagate patented plants vegetatively. What that means is you may not divide them, start them from cuttings, etc. You may use seeds off any plants. However, most of the patented varieties will not come true from seed.

Having said that, the plant police are not going to come into your yard, and look for patented divisions. This is mainly for the professional grower.

However, it is still illegal for you to propagate patented plants vegetatively. If you do it for your own yard, or to share with a friend, no one will be watching you. If you start putting large amounts out for sale on the sidewalk---well chances are the plant police won't come, but you never know.

Some of the larger companies developing plants actually have a firm that comes to your nursery and if they see you propagating patented plants without proper licensing they will spray them with roundup.

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

ok, i get it. so it really is a copyright/patent issue. interesting.
sort of like copying a cd for your car vs. copying lots and selling them off a blanket downtown.



Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Exactly. You got it.

You're welcome.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I still laugh that I have plants with serial numbers.

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

well, you have marked your dahlias haven't you!!??? and tatoo them!!!! you are their keeper!!! didn't we call you something like that last year???

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh they have plastic markers and metal toe tags and are on maps

here is one with a serial #

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Kassia, He is Der Tubermeister.

Hi Amethyst!

belleville, NJ(Zone 6a)

hi dave!
(always looking for "amethyst" cultivars...)


Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Amy, Did you catch the fireworks last night?
I had a great time. we at at Sage's and watched from City Point. It was much more relaxed & convenient than Long Wharf. I'll do it again.

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