Hippeastrum Hercules

London, United Kingdom

One of my lastest hippeasrums to flower, and the one with the largest flowers, Hercules is well named. Very robust, very thick, short stems (15 inches), huge flower bud, and massive flowers (9 inches +), nice strong colour. I think I perfer the smaller flowering cultivars, but what an impressive plant. Has any one else grow it. Ranjo.

Thumbnail by ranjo
London, United Kingdom

Here's a close up of the flower, I like the trace of white on each petal.

Thumbnail by ranjo
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Hercules does have huge showy flowers. This is the second year that I have had it bloom. Your closeup is very nice.

London, United Kingdom

Thanks for the nice comments. Yes, Hercules is very showy. Have you noticed any aroma from your flowers, mine definitly has a scent, and how many flowers did you get, I have six on one stem. Ranjo.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Outstanding Ranjo. Can you describe its color for us? I always like to hear from those that grow the actual plant, esp. amaryllis. I am so tired of being duped by tricky catalog pics.

Case in point: Honeymoon. Most catalog pics show is as blueish kinda pink, most beautiful and unusual. When in reality it is a raspberry red. Still bluish undertones, but more red than pink. Once I'm past the shock/aggravation of realizing what the true color is, then I'm happy with the beautiful flower.

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