The last three months have really been dry. The birds have really made use of the bird bath. This robin enjoyed cooling off.

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Marlton, NJ

Nice pics. Its been so awfully hot here the last few days we put out extra bird baths or things that can be used as bird baths such as and overturned trash can lid.
Their getting used so much we're filling them 3 times a day.

Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yes pelletory it is hot in our neck of the woods, too! I also have been filling the bird bath at least 2x a day. :) All great pics!!!

I originally started feeding the squirrels and some birds started to come. The squirrels were always my favorite photography subjects. This one is yondering.

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Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

fchisolm, wow! Really incredible photos!!!!!!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)


Your photos are wonderful. I love the closeness that your photos bring making me feel like I can almost reach out and pluck a feather on any of your birds. That last one of the squirrel really made me smile when you said

This one is yondering.

because I knew just what you meant. He's wishing and wandering what's over yonder. I see that all the time. :-)

Thanks and welcome to the Bird Forum. Your photos are wonderful and we look forward to seeing many more.


Marlton, NJ

Oh wow, just noticed you joined Daves today.

Welcome Aboard!!

Finally....a hummer. The shot was made at 7:15pm on the east side in the shade through the window and screen. I had to use 800 ISO to get anything. It is not a very good photo but at least I finally got one.

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Marlton, NJ

Its fine. I wasn't able to get any pics of my Hummingbird yesterday. There were 7 Blue Jays here yesterday. I like them but thats way too many.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

Not a good pic but here's a juvenile Grackle

Thumbnail by pelletory
Melbourne, FL

Not spending much time outside now...but got a few shots this morning. Female Cardinal first.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

And second.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Melbourne, FL

Feeder buddies.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Marlton, NJ

Nice pics! Love the Red bellied pic!

Heres mine today with a female House Finch on the same feeder.

This message was edited Jul 13, 2007 8:50 PM

Thumbnail by pelletory
Klamath River, CA

Part of the evening gang.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

The fire that was nearest our place seems to be under control, but there are other fires in the area still burning. These three pics show what it looks like looking East from our back yard.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

It will stay smoked in like this until they get the fires out, or we get a wind from the North. This is not an unusual happening in this part of the Country (due to the heavy forest growth, rugged terrain and dry lightning storms).

Marlton, NJ

Had 2 very scruffy looking visitors this morning.

First up male Downy.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

And a Cardinal

Thumbnail by pelletory

Young cardinals sure can look scruffy. Is this one a young tohee?

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Klamath River, CA

Ealier in the year there were several Robins around here. Now there is only one and he/she is very timid. this is the best pic I've been able to get of it.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I know Blue Jays are mean, but I think they are beautiful, and are probably my favorite bird in the yard -- aside from hummers. This one was kinda hanging around last night...

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

I love blue jays too indiana. I think of them as the police officers of the yard as they are the first ones to warn of danger and the first to harass enemies like cats and crows. Their "achilles heel" as far as luring them in is peanuts. I love how they throw caution to the wind and spread the word when peanuts magicly appear in the yard lol!

Hi chisolm - what a cute picture! I get towhees in the spring but I have never seen a young one so I can't help you. Great catch with that bug! And I love your evening gang!

Love your downy and cardinal Pell. Are the blackbirds easing up for you now?

While out stalking pics of hummers I have taken a few of our other yard residents. There has been a group of argumentative titmouse siblings using the feeders. They remind me of kids in the back seat of a car on a long trip. "MOM, he's touching my side of the seat! Make her stop looking at me!" They fight a lot but still stay in a tight little group lol!

This message was edited Jul 21, 2007 8:22 AM

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

I am already thinking about new ways to feed and lure birds closer to the window in the winter.

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

one of our resident native sparrows

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking song sparrow? (I have a hard time keeping the sparrows straight)

Thumbnail by lilyfantn
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yep, Song Sparrow.


Marlton, NJ

Nice pics Lily!

No I still have the black plaque here.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Alright, in addition to Blue Jays, I love the Goldfinches too. They seem to be quite used to me because I can get very close to them while they are on the feeder. Just something bright and cheery about them.

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Marlton, NJ

I love the sounds and songs they make. Very nice pics!

This message was edited Jul 21, 2007 7:40 PM

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

"can you please pass the salt?"

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Klamath River, CA

Yellow Warbler I think.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

While driving a few days ago, I happened on a turkey vulture , low in a tree right beside the hiway. Though the lighting was really bad, I was amazed that it just sat there and let me take pictures!

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Up close.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Marlton, NJ

Ewww, their faces are quite ugly. Nice pics though. Their size is so impressive!

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, they are never considered attractive. LOL

Klamath River, CA

Tried to post this earlier with the Yellow Warbler?

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

and this one. Dave straightened me out on why I couldn't post these earlier.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat

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