help with sunflowers!!!

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi... I have some serious sunflowers ... almost 100... call me crazy... and some are blooming... and the birds are eating them... now, I want to be able to save some seeds... I really don't care if the birds eat them... I would rather they eat the sunflowers than my veggies...

anyway, am I supposed to cut off the spent blooms??? the seeds that are left are kind of soft...

best time for transplanting them is????? thanks ... I am new with sunflowers... and I love their happy faces!!!

I transplanted some last night... yes, it was 8 pm and I was still outside gardening... oh I had fun!!! some look droopy this morning... some look great! I will post pictures tonight!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

OK - you're crazy.

If all the seeds are gone then you might as well cut off the heads. If you wanted to save seeds, then once one starts to try out you could cut it off and hide it from the birds while they fully dry. Does that help?

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

yes... well if I cut off the head will that produce more flowers or should I just uproot the entire plant???

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