Growinf Sesons South Carolina ?

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Can any one tell me a Bit about the Growing Sesons there Around Santee Cooper/ going to move there after i sell off this place i fish there a lot . any winter crops grown there ? Paul

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Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Crops, as in vegetables? Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce and other greens like kale and collards should do well there. You would probably be in an 8b zone there unless you were on the more NW end of the lakes where you could possibly be an 8a.
In terms of flowers, you would have camellias blooming all winter along with the annuals like pansy's. snapdragons, calendulas and others. During the summertime the sky's the limit on what you could grow. Those Kwanzo daylilies will love it here.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

do they grow potoes there in the winter?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I believe they do, I was touring a Charleston research farm and they had lots of potatoes they were digging and it was spring time when I was there.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)


Johns Island, SC

I was told when I first got here that potatoes won't make a winter crop in Charleston, and that's why nobody offered seed potatoes in the fall. But I noticed a whole bunch of "volunteers" coming up in the fall the first year I planted spring potatoes, so I let them grow. Have gotten "winter" potatoes every since. The red "Kennebec" variety has been the most dependable in the Charleston area, but I've also had respectable crops with "Yukon Gold" and a couple of blue varieties... If in doubt, try it! They keep in the ground all winter, and you just dig 'em as you need 'em (smaller 'taters, though---but the same flavor).

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Stono, I saw them at the Clemson experimental farm on 17 and we got to taste test well over a dozen varieties. They experiment to see what grows well here and sell the results to the high end restaurants in Charleston. The chefs then report back with what goes over well with the patrons. They were growing a number of blue varieties there.

Johns Island, SC

That Clemson Farm isn't 4 miles from my garden! Guess if they(experts) can grow them, and I (noodnik) can grow them, anybody can grow them. Man, I love those little "new" potatoes!! I dug most of my spring potatoes yesterday---some had already started sprouting.

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