browning tips on Lime Glow juniper

Rockport, MA

This is the third year for the small shrubby Lime Glow juniperus horizontalis . It seems to be thriving, but about 1/4 th of the new growth tips have turned a blackish brown, while the rest are chatruese green. i tried the white paper test, and it isn't red spider mites. There hasn't been anything that unusual in watering patterns, or winter cold much different from the other years, so I suspect some kind of pest. (coastal MA. ,zone 5)
Anyone have any ideas? I don't have camera capability, but the damage is about one inch long on the new tip, light brown with an overlay of black at the very tip, and totally dried out. No sign of a worm that I can find.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Aside from pests, another possibility is an effect of this past weird Winter / Spring. I'm seeing it on a lot of shrubs myself.

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