July Daily Weather What's Happening in your neighborhood???

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Please come by and post often.
Here it's 82.6 °F / 28.1 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 40%
Dew Point: 56 °F / 14 °C
Wind: 3.1 mph / 4 km/h from the South
Wind Gust: 5.4 mph / 8 km/h
Pressure: 29.94 in / 1013.8 hPa (Rising)
Heat Index: 82 °F / 28 °C
50% chance of rain. I'll believe it when I see it. LOL
A little planting out the front door.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Sidney? You haven't gotten any rain? I see more dancin' coming! :D And my how you have been busy on your flowers! Very Pretty! :D


Thumbnail by music2keep
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sidney Ola!
My neighbors are down your way and hooking up w/ JFG!
I told them about your Coleus Quilt Yard and they are eager to see it in person...


(Zone 3b)

good morning- July is off to a "normal" start. It's raining, thank you rain-dancers and car washers:))
50*F, gray and wet. 7:45am
Sidney - the front is just beautiful. Coleus is a house plant here and seeing yours, sure looks nice there outdoors
Ric - whatever that flower is, it's just beautiful/so lacy but sturdy-looking,too. Nice to know the eagles are doing well there.
Dyson - I think it's nearly lunch time down there; what'd you have?
music2keep - speaking of food; love the look of the berries. Glad the trout farm escaped a near disaster - sounds like you and mother nature work well together.
Rising Matanuska River from summer run-off and rain.

Thumbnail by kiska
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

E_B: I assure you that all the rock divers and jumpers ended up splashing happily into the sea! Your flowers are loverly!
Sidney: Great job on your little fountain area. Very cool and pretty.

Areas all around us got over an inch of rain last night . We got 1/4". Better than nothin' tho!
Sunny and 87. Humid.

Here are more swimmers. These kids were swimming off the side of the ship.

Thumbnail by DebinSC
(Zone 3b)

Deb - what great memories for those kids; love the photo and it implies. (vacation, sun, swimming, good times, etc).

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Hotter than usual at this time of day.

Updated: 9:51 AM PDT on July 01, 2007
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
79 °F / 26 °C
Humidity: 45%
Dew Point: 56 °F / 13 °C
Wind: 5 mph / 7 km/h / 2.1 m/s Variable

It's going to be hot all week. I can never understand why people here get so excited about summer.
Monday Night through Friday
Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 50s and 60s...except in the lower to mid 70s in the foothills. Highs 94 to 106.

And, the official drought report.
... This was the driest rain season ever in downtown Los Angeles and
at many other locations in southwestern California...

The 2006-2007 rain season... which began on July 1 2006 and ended
on June 30 2007 is officially the driest ever in downtown Los
Angeles since records began 130 years ago in 1877. Only 3.21 inches
of rain fell during the season... .nearly one foot or 11.93 inches
below the normal for the season... which is 15.14 inches. Rainfall
totaled only 21% of normal in downtown Los Angeles.

The rainfall total for the season... 3.21 inches... was lower than
the average yearly rainfall for Phoenix (8.29")... Palm Springs
(5.23") and Las Vegas (4.49")... and was less than one inch more
than what is normal for Death Valley (2.33").

Measurable rain fell on 21 of the past 365 days in downtown Los
Angeles... which was not a record. It was the 4th lowest total...
behind the 16 days with measurable rain during the 1960-1961
season... the 17 days during the 1958-1959 season... and the 19 days
during the 1971-1972. The average number of days with measurable
rain in downtown Los Angeles is 35.

Here is another picture along Malibu Creek. We saw two deer in the general area. We don't see deer often and almost never in the heat of the day.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

EB, thanks for the lovely garden and green lawn. Looks so great to me all that lovely flowering happened out here last month. and Music/Joey is right, that's a taaallll foxglove or great camera angle. thanks too for the map of eagles.

Joey, I guess the Suck Zone
And your wonderfully green hills look so much like the Catskill area I grew up in. It's always a pleasure. My Dad would get up early Sunday mornings and go out and pick a 14 quart milking pail full and be back to give us kids some for breakfast. Then after church we would all go on a picnic and pick more. I remember laying on my back and reaching up under the brambles to get the best ones /-)
glad the fish made it.

Believe it or not life happened and I missed the full moonrise. :( It'sokay, I saw the moon and it is still there. We had a long thread of white cloud pass over this morning... it looked like a weather front except there was nothing behind it. No more clouds and no wind.

Low this morning 64*F
Right now (11:30) 92*
Headed for 106* this afternoon
Humidity 5%

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Deb, thanks for the mini vacation. nice of you to take us along. those divers would sure make me hold my breath.!

Kelli, frightening statistics. We actually had more rain than you, mostly because of that series of flooding rains that totalled 4 inches. Remember the waterfalls?

And thanks for the Malibu Creek pics. At least there is some green there although I did see the post about things not managing to set seed.

those that watch the WC will have seen pics of the raging fire north of Moab in the NE corner of Utah. It basically exploded across sage and grass and unfortunately across a family's hay field - taking Father and Grandfather's lives. last I heard it had burned 23 sq miles.

Gotta go hang my sheets to dry... takes about as long as to hang them up. Who needs a dryer with 5% humidity? ~~Blooms

(Zone 5a)

Sidney - thanks for the compliment - that was so sweet :-) I'm glad to share my corner of the world with the rest of you ;-)

Blooms - so sad about the fires. Thanks too - this is a really fun time to be here :-) 5% humidity is beyond my comprehension ........

Joey - beautiful scenery! :-) So glad the fish are doing better :-)

Kiska - loved the eagle photos and those hanging baskets are really something!

Deb - thanks :-) Love the photos from your trip - looks like a wonderful place to be :-)

Kelli - the lupines aren't native - they're actually imported from Alaska and hence called Alaska lupines here ;-) Love the photos from your hike - such wonderful scenery. I loved MASH too :-)

Ric - I have no idea what that wonderful plant is - you'll have to fill us in on that one ;-)

EB - thank you. Very pretty shady border there - those iris are wonderful :-)

Hope I didn't leave anyone out!

Today was really great - got up to 63°F, sunny and a bit breezy in the afternoon. Before the breeze kicked in I was sweating and wondering how people survive (and go on hikes!! yikes!!) in 90°F ....... lol .... I really hate to sweat ;-) You can just imagine my misery in those hot Florida summers ..... I can't even tell you .... lol ;-) Now it's clouded up and it's RAINING!!!!! Yay! So I don't have to go out to water :-) A perfect day in my book :-)

Hope you all had a good one as well.

Here's a photo from Wednesday night (well technically it was Thursday since it was after midnight) I looked out the window around 0:45 am and noticed the sky was on fire so I grabbed the camera and went out to photograph it .......... it does pay to stay up late sometimes ;-) Wish you all could have been there .... it was really magical :-)


Thumbnail by rannveig
(Zone 3b)

rainy all day so far - sure did need it. 53*F. Wish some went your way, Blooms.
Rann - It's so nice that you stay up late and keep the camera ready - wow - that's a fantastic sky. Thanks; the hanging baskets are made by a local greenhouse and that's what they do so well.
Blooms - being able to hang out sheets sounds wonderful - and, bet the do dry as quickly as you get them done. So sorry for the loss of life in the fire there.
Kelli - another nice photo of Malibu creek. Is there a chance it will dry up this summer? Perhaps the deer were after water?
Byers Peak. We live at base where the three come together. Flank of Lazy Mt on the left. Note: it's green.

Thumbnail by kiska
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

There are sections of Malibu Creek that dry up every year, but most parts don't. It is considered a year round stream. I don't think it will all dry up this year. If nothing else, there is run-off from the tens of thousands of people who live upstream.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Sunny and no rain in site here.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

WOW what a Sunset rannveig!
What was it 11:30 when you shot that?

The Bloom in question is in my neighbor's yard.
It is hardy to every zone here on this Weather Thread.
Plantfiles has it growing in Seward, AK and I've seen it in Northern FL.
It is Filipendula rubra better known as Queen of the Prairie or Meadowsweet.
It's native to the eastern USA from MI to GA east to the coast.
It does though love full sun and moist soil.
Here's more detail.


Sunny and dry w/ a nice cool 82 degree breeze today.
Clouding up now.... 73 going for 52 by morning..

Here's another shot from his yard.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's an absolutely breathtaking picture, Rannveig! Thank you!

Lovely coneflowers, Ric. I need to get some of those next year. :-) The Meadowsweet is beautiful, too, but it probably wouldn't like it here. Maybe if I put it in partial shade..

It sprinkled a bit this morning, but actually hasn't rained all afternoon and evening - it's been a nice change! We went out for a long walk this evening. The bunnies enjoyed being outside, but they both need baths now to wash off the mud, sweat, and bug spray. There was lightening in the distance as we came home - about 15 minutes ago, so we will probably get some rain this evening.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Molly taught me that coneflowers have a scent today.......and it's lovely. Will get busier on my quilt garden Ric. I am way behind on planting. Your friends are welcome anytime.
Saved that sunset rann.

(Zone 3b)

Stayed in the low-mid 50's today with a good amount of rain.
Ric - I see that weezengreens/Seward has the plant; I've not seen it up in our area and could be that Seward's weather is just different enough for it there. Sure is spectacular. The flower garden is beautiful, too.
Marylyn_TX - sounds like a nice walk - did it end up raining?
Kelli - good for the wildlife that Malibu creek remains year-round.
Milky-color creek.

Thumbnail by kiska
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

66°(F) & Dark

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good morning! The temp is 56* with a little fog...

Rann! Wow! I saved it, too! :D What a beautiful pic! I, for one, am certainly glad that you stayed up late! ;) Thanx.
Kiska, Byers Peak is Gorgeous! Love It! :D And love the little creek, too! :D
Ric, Your neighbors garden is "Ooolahlah!" I think the name Meadowsweet is very appropriate! Thank you & your neighbor for sharing! :D
Dyson! LOL! At 2:08, I certainly hope that it Is Dark! :D

Yesterdays trivia answer was...B!
"The Suck Zone" was a phrase from a movie but Erik Rasmussen of the NOAA - University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorology Studies in Bolder, Colorado defines the term as such.
Now isn't that a Scientific name! ;)

Todays trivia question is....
What is CAPE?
a) Combined Adiabatic Potential Energy
b) Convective Available Potential Energy
c) Cumulative Advective Potential Energy
d) Convective Adiabatic Potential Energy

Have a Great Day! :D
(a wet baby fern)

Thumbnail by music2keep
(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone and thanks - glad you enjoyed the sunset :-)

Ric - the photo was taken about 45 minutes after midnight. I'm adding Filipendula rubra to my want list - it's gorgeous :-)

Sidney - you're welcome ;-)

Kiska - lovely photo of the stream :-)

It's yet another sunny day - fairly calm and 59°F. Last night was pretty magical too - it was still 57°F at 11:30 pm, dead calm and the scent of wet birch leaves filled the air. And to top it off was another magical sunset :-)

This is my street at 11:30 last night.

Hope you all have a great day :-)


Thumbnail by rannveig
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Gonna be 85* with no rain. Currently only halfway Dyson dark.

(Zone 5a)

Joey - we cross posted - thanks :-) Beautiful photo of the baby fern :-) At 2:08 am it's certainly not dark here - but that's beside the point ;-) lol The sun is setting now at 11:55 pm and rising at 3:08 am.

Another one from last night :-)

Have a great day !


Thumbnail by rannveig
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

WOW! you did it again! Thanx! :D It's already on the desk top! :D

(Zone 5a)

Thanks Joey - and you're most welcome to it :-)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm guessing A, Joey.

It didn't rain at all last night, but it sure is now! That nice heavy, steady downpour that people in Georgia NEED - and we certainly don't. We have weather advisories for today through Wednesday as this system sits over us. Hopefully it will move off by Wednesday so people can still do fireworks. I suspect it's going to be way too wet to go sit on the ground and watch them at the outdoor theatre this year, though.. Bummer.

Weather Advisory...


I hope my husband will be able to make it to work - and more importantly, will be able to make it home tonight! I'm not sure what has changed.. but suddenly the roads at the entrances (and there are only 2!) to our little subdivision have started to fill up when it rains hard. It has never done that before. I'm sure glad the bunnies and I don't have anywhere to go today. It's going to be a good snuggle-on-the-couch-and-read-books sort of day, I think.

I hope all of you have wonderful days! :-)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Was hoping we'd have rain today.
80.6 °F / 27.0 °C
Humidity: 37%
Dew Point: 52 °F / 11 °C
Wind: 0.0 mph / 0 km/h from the NNE
Wind Gust: 4.0 mph / 6 km/h
Pressure: 30.03 in / 1016.8 hPa (Steady)
Heat Index: 80 °F / 27 °C

(Zone 3b)

7am - not dark:) 52*; rained during the night and looks nice/fresh green. Smells great, too.
Rann - love the sunsets - thanks.
Joey - the deep green fern against the other is so pretty.
Marylyn - hopefully the entrances' flooding can be resolved. Have a great comfy day...sounds wonderful.
pepper - looks as if your day is off to a good start.
sidney - have a great day, too, rain or no rain.
Gson - gotta see what's in there:))

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 5a)

Thanks Kiska - cute grandson :-)

It's 4 pm now and the temp is up to 65°F!!! Which makes this the warmest day so far this summer. The girls are certainly enjoying it - they're out in the kiddie pool splashing around - in warm water ofcourse ;-)

Sidney - sorry you didn't get any rain.

Marylyn - sounds like a very cozy day ahead for you :-)

The rain last night did very little else that wet the surface - everythings dry again - so I'll have to keep watering ...... still can't complain - I have a feeling when it'll finally start raining it'll rain for weeks ........


Balotesti, Romania(Zone 5a)

Wow, so many beautiful pictures !Here is hot again !

Thumbnail by adinamiti
Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

HHH here. Some rain today but not enough. :)

Here's something cool....

Thumbnail by DebinSC
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Updated: 3:51 PM PDT on July 02, 2007
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
95 °F / 35 °C
Humidity: 24%
Dew Point: 53 °F / 12 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h / 3.6 m/s from the SE


Thumbnail by Kelli
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Hi! Everybody! We had a great day, with a high of 80*.

Kelli, your Crinum is Beautiful!
Deb, I love that "cool" Columbine! :D
Adina, Wow! Yellow! :D Really Pretty!
THanx Kiska, LOL! I thought that a mechanic was supposed to look under the Hood! ;-D
Sidney...here's hopin' & prayin' that you get some rain from Marylyn! (Done any dancin' lately?)

The answer to today's trivia IS....B!
CAPE is one measure of the instability of the atmosphere. It gives an indication of the available energy a parcel would have if it were buoyant in comparison to the environmental conditions.

Have a good evening...here's a little of the wet.

Thumbnail by music2keep
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

High of only 82* today. But it is a little muggy so it feels a little warmer. All in all a nice day.

At work the gardeners and maintence guys were cleaning up from the floods. In some of the fountains and pools the mud was a foot deep. They also raked the duckweed up on the dam so it couldn't wreck havoc on the lake this year. There is still some in there but this season should be mild.

Springboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Sidney.........you sure have created a beautiful setting for your statue.

Adina..........I bet it will be cooler once you move out of the city and into your house in the country. All that concrete and pavement is a big heat sink.

Rann...........Great sunset!

Marylyn...........I can't believe all the rain you're getting. We had rain here almost every day last fall. It sure gets old in a hurry. It's dry here. We might get a much needed thundershower on Wed. and Thurs.

Joey..........I'm glad to hear the fish are doing well.

Ric.........Maybe you could declare "emanate domain" and annex your neighbors yard. :)

It was another wonderful early summer day here. Temps in the mid 70's, low humidity and a nice breeze blowing the clouds along.
Expecting more of the same tomorrow.

Photo..........I foolishly purchased and planted some spider daylilys late last Oct. (From Calif. no less) Thanks to the mild winter we had until January they managed to survive and are flourishing. This one is called Firestorm.


Thumbnail by Early_Bloomer
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I am forbidding myself from buying any spider lilies. lol.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

How long does it take daylily seeds to sprout? I planted some about two weeks ago and haven't seen any signs of life yet.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

No I hate mowing lawns and his is 80 x 300'! LOL!

Beautiful clear dry day w/ a nice breeze.

Here's a little beauty I found blooming just yesterday in a water container.

Thumbnail by henryr10
(Zone 3b)

59* - nearly 7pm; rain off and on today. And, it's doing a lot of good.
ric - what a strange flower - very pretty.
DebinSC - love the lacy green branches/stalks.
E_B - just beautiful -
pepper - sounds like a busy time recovering from the heavy rains. Glad it was a bit cooler there.
Adina - so pretty and bright - really a "happy" flower.
Joey - we're just glad he's not learned how to open the hood:) That's bound to happen later. Pretty rain/green leaves.
This is our tomato crop. It had this bunch on it when we bought it and they are now turning ripe red. Cherry tomatoes.

Thumbnail by kiska
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Kelli - daylily seeds need germination temps of 60 degs and sprout anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months. Depends on the variety,

Well it was 42 deg. this AM and 74 high for the day with very low dewpoint. We didn't have any dew on the grass this AM. I will have to start watering again tomorrow. Must say that things are growing well from the last 3/4 " - but we need another shot of rain.

EB "Firestorm" is beautiful. Here is "Red Redneck Rice", another spidery

Thumbnail by se_eds
Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

65°(F), a near full moon and the skies are clear enough to see it.

Reporting Station: KROA
Relative Humidity: 63%
Wind: 0° (N) at 0mph
Gusts: 0mph
Pressure: 30.24in
Yesterday's Precip: in
Yesterday's Low Temp: 60°F
Yesterday's High Temp: 79°F
Dew Point: 53°
Visibility: 10mi
Ceiling: 5500ft
Heat Index: 66°
Wind Chill: 66°
6hr Precip: in
6hr Low Temp: 68°F
6hr High Temp: 75°F

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