What kind of iris is this?


I bought this iris about 4 years ago. Although I usually buy my irises from specialist growers (less chance of their being labeled incorrectly) I saw this in bloom at a garden nursery and **something made me** buy it :o))

It grows to about 13 inches in height and the petals are quite elongated, especially the falls. It's standards are cream and the falls a mixture of green, cream and brown streaks (best I can describe it).

I'm at a complete loss to know what kind of iris it is. I know it isn't a bearded or Siberica, it isn't a Stylosa or Ensata...what is it?? Please, does anyone have any idea??
The name on the label is 'California' (but it could be mislabelled).
Any help is extremely appreciated..........Thanks!!

Terri (in England - where the weather is very confused at the moment, LOL)

Thumbnail by Terri1948
Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

How bizarre! It looks like a bearded without the beard. There doesn't appear to be either a beard or a crest, is that correct?


LOL, Laurie, yes, that's exactly right, unfortunately this is the best photograph I have of it, but if there IS a beard it's too tiny to be noticeable and there is no noticeable crest. The falls also have a habit of slightly twisting, which gives it a really strange appearance when the clump is in full bloom. I would love to know where it originated especially with a name like 'California'. It isn't the name I would have chosen for it myself :o)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Looks like an old historic to me. Interesting.

inanda in Winnipeg

Newfoundland, NJ

Maybe some kind of species iris. Have never seen one like it. I don't know if they help with ID of species iris iris but you could try the Signa group,
Or try looking thru the Signa database

If these links do not work, just google 'Signa iris'


Thanks for your input inanda and sugarbean :o)
Inanda, that was what I thought too. It somehow looks like an older species.

Sugarbean, thank you so much for those very interesting links. I'm going to go back to them and check them out in detail later.
I now have a new 'quest' in my life thanks to you, LOL. I absolutely MUST find one of those crested iris 'Chengdu' (the lilac form). It's the most exquisite thing I ever saw!!


Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

It's the UN-bearded!

Actually I haven't a clue, but it sure is interesting.

Newfoundland, NJ

You really stumbled upon a 'gem' there! If you were in the USA I would be bugging you for a start!
It looks alot to me like the I. Reichenbachii particularly the Bohnert picture from Germany.
Because these are wild growing iris, there is no telling how many variations there are.
Yes, the Signa is such a wonderful place...so many 'species' and natural crosses, it is very interesting. They have a seed sale once a year: . One of these days I need to get some.


Sugarbean, once again I am regretting that Atlantic ocean between our two countries. How I wish I could send you a start, you would be so welcome to have one. If it ever produces seeds I will remember you and be happy to send you some.
Of course, if you ever find a source for seeds from the 'Chengdu' PLE-E-E-ASE let me know as I'd love to try growing that one. :o))

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