Weight Loss Challange June 30 - July 7

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

It is still raining here. This is something like the 4th or 5th day in a row that has been mostly rainy. Sometimes just light showers or drizzles but some hard showers thrown in. We did get a few hours of sunshine yesterday afternoon and evening. I don't know when the rain started again. The rain guage only shows about 1/3 inch more here.

My weight is going up terribly. I don't understand what is happening here. It is frightening and frustrating. I will have to make some drastic changes here in exercise and eating to get this reversed. And quickly. I can't stand the thought of being fat again. Dexatrim here I come!! I would consider a gastric band before I would let myself become fat again. And all those new clothes I have are getting tight already.

Breakfast was 1/2 of a ww wrap with 2 banty eggs, about 3 TBLSP. of shredded cheddar cheese, about 1/4 cup of salsa, 1/2 - 3/4 cup honeydew melon, and water. I did have an unmeasured swig of apricot/apple juice before breakfast. Just enough to wet my mouth and throat after getting up. I am going to have to pray that prayer of relinquishment of my eating habits very seriously.

Congratulations to all who are losing weight. Chuck, Howie, Ally, and all the rest of you. I don't remember all of you because you are on the other thread. I am so proud of all of you and I know GOD is too. I can really relate to those who are struggling and seeming to see no progress. Kim, it is so good to see you posting again. I certainly did miss you. I know you are busy with your job and the growing season.

I have to go to town this morning. I wonder if I will ever have a whole day at home again? I know next week has maybe Wednesday and only because it is the 4th of July and PG won't be working. Maybe part of Thursday if I am fortunate. Our extra daughter is suppose to be here that day. I'm going to try to get her to let us eat at home. She loves to eat out and thinks she is giving me a big treat because she knows I don't do that very much. She likes to take me to Ryans, Golden Corral, etc. She can't afford to do that and I tell her so but it is like water off a duck's back. The woman has little if any money management skills. If you gave her a million dollars she would be broke in a week and have little to show for it.

GOD bless and keep each and all of you.

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