seeds to trade

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

I have seeds to trade with, so if anybody is interested lets dmail

This message was edited Jun 29, 2007 8:44 PM

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

very pretty Rita...looking forward to seeing you pics

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

hi Judy the first of your seeds, looks like Confetti

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

and then this one came out of the same lot of seeds

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

with this one following on, not to sure that you can see the very faint spots

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

This is another one looks like a water canna with the arrow shaped dusky blue green leaves. Love the colour a buttery soft yellow.

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

thought I would show you my grub and frog breeding paddock, if there was good money in it I would be rounding them up and doing well, got herds of them

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

.Just loved this pic, of the spotty one opening.

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

.This one gets better with age, can't remember its name would have to look it up, its French.

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Rita...all your pics are just gorgeous..which are from the seeds I sent...Love your frog and grub breeding area too ..very nice.I very rarely see any frogs in my garden...I don't know why... we even set about making a frog pond...I never use any pesticides.......I have even resorted to bringing in frogs from my mums place ( farm 30miles away)prob about 20 all frogs...they are everywhere there...occasionally I will hear one or two...I think the rest hopped it back home...I have lived in this house for maybe the former owners used some sort of pesticide I don't know...I have zillions of small skinks though..I have to confess I also like grubs..those big fat hawk moth ones with the tails(horns) you see on the morning glories etc....

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Rita, not sure what you're interested in trading for, but dmailing Your cannas look great!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Rita, your spotted one looks just like the Pink Confetti that I bought on Ebay 2 years ago from Donnie Hallman. It was my all time favorite canna, but for some reason I lost it over the Winter. I also lost my Snow Candy that I purchased from Alice Harris. I don't know if the spotted ones are more susceptible to wet weather, or just what happened. I would love to find another Pink Confetti, but can't locate Donnie Hallman again.

This message was edited Sep 13, 2007 11:16 AM

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Judy all of these pics are from your seeds excepting the French pink flower.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Judy I wish those grubs would go chomp on mulberry trees like a good silk worm but no its my brugs they want, this one, that I am fattening will become a Cardinal B'fly

Thumbnail by rita_sturzbeche
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Rita....are you sure that will turn into a cardinal butterfly...looks a lot like a hawkmoth aka hummingbird moth grub to me..LOL

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Can't swear to it I called it a hawk moth grub myself and was corrected

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Huh, looks like one to me, too :(

(Tammie) Odessa, TX(Zone 7b)

to me three! Hey, Rita... my San Antonio river cannas finally bloomed and are still blooming... they are about 8 ft tall! You can see them over my 6 ft fence easily. LOL Love them. this is their first bloom... they froze last winter just before the blooms opened but they sure have multiplied. I have about 8 stalks right now. Thank you so much for them... look like little flames.

I have learned not to expect much for rhyzomes and plants the first year but look out the second.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Pleased to hear that Tammy, they are big, makes a lovely back drop or privacy fence.

This message was edited Jul 8, 2007 6:27 PM

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Rita, what is it that you are looking for in trade?


San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Cannas that I don't have, dmail me so we can compare notes.

San Antonio, TX

Would u trade for anything off this list?

Anise hyssop
Aruncus diocios
Balloon plant
Calamus-Sweet flag
Calendula-yellow & orange
Clematis-Queen Burgandy, Sweet Autumn
Coreopsis-yellow tall
Cosmos-yellow or orange
Crepe Myrtle-wtn hbj
Dantura(Angel Trumpet)-white
Eremalche rotundifloria-Five Spot
Hollyhocks-Wt, Dwarf (lilac),pink,old fashion mrs lanes
Queen Anne's lace
Larkspur-Imperial giant,blue
Love in a Puff
Moluccella laevis-Bells of Ireland
Phlox-creme brulee
Rose campion
Marigold-maroon, orange & red, mixed dwarf, raggged reggie
Milkweed-purple swamp
Morning Glory-Red, purple, blue, mixed, Yelta, Dwarf Blue,
Rose Campion
Verbesina encelioides-Golden crown beard

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi neighbour I limit myself to Brugs Cannas and Iris. Dmail me and I will see what I can find for you.

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Rita, I would love to see about getting a few seeds. But I'm a new gardener so I don't have much to trade with but please check my tradelist on the off chance that something might peak your interest. But, if you're ever will to let a few go for postage, please let me know. Thanks.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Send me a dmail

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

You got Dmail. :)

Orlando, FL

I have three colors of cannas...I have tubers not and orange called yellow king humbert and red...and I am clearing out a ditch with red flowered cannas that have burgundy stalks...not sure what most of what I have is called. The burgundy stalked ones I do not have pictures of yet. Have you ever seen miniature white ones? I saw some the other pretty and the women said they never get more than 2 feet tall.. Here is my have list link.. I did not know until recently that you could grow them from seed...wonder how many I threw away ...SIGH. My list...
Here is a picture of the red I have too. When the burgundy stalk blooms again I will get pics of that one too. I would gladly pay shipping...what do you call that beauty you are offering?

Thanks for your time

Thumbnail by Moofiepoo
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Which one Robin, send me a DM of what you have, I couldn't get into your have list, I am sure that we will be able to trade.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Rita,what was the seedparent of the flower in the first pic?

Orlando, FL

I sent you a DM...a couple days ago...forgot to post in here that I had tho..sorry

My Daughter just traded some orange cannas and yellow king humbert for some deep red ones...when she went to pick them up...they are deep red...with yellow throats and a few yellow dots on petals..stems are green and leaves too...any idea what they are? The man was cleaning his fence row..and gave us 3 garbage bags full.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Judy dont know the parents, the canna is not a seedling of mine it is Tropical Sunrise, think I sent you some seed.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Robin I have no idear there are so many cannas out there, the 'sticky' at the begining of the canna forum could be of help.

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)


I am new to the area I have a type of canna not sure what color they are they were given to me as a gift. I do have the stugart species but it is not ready for me to trade yet. Can I sase?

I am very interested in starting some.....

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Pensacolagarden, I am pretty much traded out at present and just forgot to close out this thread sorry, maybe next time.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

This thread is now closed.

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