when to divide sprouted seeds

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 10a)

I have a large number of peach amaryllis seeds (unknown variety) that I've sprouted in community pots. The seedlings look like grass blades 1-2 inches tall right now. They're starting to look a little crowded. Does anyone have a recommendation on the best time to divide and repot? Should I let them grow larger first or repot now?

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

How crowded? Can you post a picture? My father used to space the seeds out in seedling flats (about 2 cm apart each way) so that they would not have to be disturbed until they were big enough to handle easily - say large pea-size bulbs, and leaves about 6cm or so high. Then he would plant them up in 14 cm wide squat pots to grow bigger and flower for the first time, before deciding which ones were good enough for the big pots in the glasshouse, and which ones would get consigned to the outdoor garden.

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks for your suggestions. I think they're a little closer together than 2 cm, but maybe they're still ok. I'll try to post a photo soon.

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 10a)

Finally got a picture of them. The pots are about 8 in across..... most of the "blades" are 3-4 in in length. Will any bulbs have formed yet?

Thumbnail by SarahUCM
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Yes these are fine for the moment. I think they've probably got enough room to stay in these pots for quite a bit longer. Ideally, unless they are really crowded, I would leave them alone until the seedlings have gone through at least one dormancy period. Then you can divide and pot them on when they start into new growth in their second year. This should give you nice little bulbs about the size of your thumbnail - easy to handle but not so overgrown that they are hard to separate at the roots. It probably wouldn't hurt these guys to get a feeding about once a month, say half normal strength liquid food, something not too high in nitrogen but with more phosphorus & potassium, which will promote strong roots and solid development. How fast they will grow will depend mainly on warmth, light and humidity at this stage. Remember they are pretty small and thus can't store up much against hard times, unlike the parent bulbs, so steady as you go should be your guiding principle. The seedlings look to be in good shape to me, I wish you all the best of luck with them. KK

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