Compare Your Straw Bale Gardening Results?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, all--

I haven't posted in the Veggies forum for a couple of years, but I lurk now and again when I get the bug for vegetable gardening---

So I couldn't help but skim through all the threads on straw bale gardening and it looks like an interesting alternative for gardening in spaces that have poor soil or as a temporary garden set-up, and SBG's other big advantage is that it is easily accessible, too. Sounds great!

But I didn't see a lot of mention of how the results came out---

Are the veggies as Tasty and as Bountiful as growing them in good garden soil?

Do they grow as fast or faster than in good soil?

Could I grow flowers in straw bales and then transfer them to the front garden when they are ready to bloom?

FYI I found this article about Straw Bale Gardening that gives some guidelines, for those who are clueless like me!

Thanks strawbaleman and everybody for all the good info! Great discussion! t.

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