tomatoes dropping off the vine?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

I'm growing yellow pear tomatoes for the maybe third year, and I've got something new and odd happening. I'm hoping someone else knows about this too. When disturb the vines, for example, to pick the ripe tomatoes, I frequently have other tomatoes just fall off. This has happened with ripe tomatoes, ripening tomatoes, and green tomatoes, all.

It's in a high, deep raised bed (3 feet up), on drip irrigation with supplemental water in the late evenings (which is highly recommended out here in the desert this time of year to prevent cracking and blossom end rot due to uneven water uptake), and gets a little shade late in the afternoon. Had a mite problem earlier this year that seems to be under control.

I'm not currently worried, as this plant is producing more than we can eat in spite of 105+ degree heat for the last two weeks, but I'm very curious.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your help in advance!

Stansbury Park, UT(Zone 6a)

I am not sure what might be happening to your tomatoes, but maybe if you post your question in the tomato forum someone might be able to help you. I am not saying that the vegetable folks would not know, however. This forum is VERY knowledgeable I just think that the tomato forum is awesome for tomato questions. Give it a try.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Will do. I'm still pretty new to the forums, and not always so savvy about what questions to post where. Thanks for the tip!

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