first harvest of the summer!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Here it is! My collards!!! I can't believe these are the same tiny little collards that the nursery was going to throw away because they said "they were hopeless". A little TLG from me and they are now ready to be eaten!!!!

Thumbnail by noobiegardener
Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

here's one leaf so you can see how big they are (ignore my little toesies)

Thumbnail by noobiegardener

Congrats! Please think of me when you cook em. Yum! Better keep an eye on Frank, though. grin I hear he's leavin NY for a little trip and might sneak over to MD during the night. hahaha

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

ooooh, oooooh, oooooh... might need be taking a trip to MD myself... :-)

Hey, that leaf is as big as a foot, lol!

GOOD GOING for you. Collards are YUM.

Lets hope the success of your collards encourages you to "leaf out" and grow many other delicious vegetables!


Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a) are more than welcome to come and visit for some greens! :o) GGG...they are as big as my foot! I couldn't believe it! I've got lots of veggies growing. I need to post more pictures. I have:

honey dew melon
maters (cherry, plum and better boy)
romaine lettuce

...and I think that's it.

Hey y'all ...
Let's go to MD!! LOL

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

well come on yaul! We can play in my garden all together.

Actually I was thinking more about eating some of the profits! LOL

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

we can do that too!

Cochise, AZ(Zone 8b)

"eating some of the profits" Quality Control requires alot of testing!

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

that it does, Grammy! We must wait til the maters are ripe, then everyone can come and we can test the three species that I have growing together..... :o)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Those are some mighty fine looking collard greens there! What variety are you growing?

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

they are georgia collards......

Are there any other kind??? ;)

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Depends on your weather IO1!
Collards are a staple vegetable in many countries around the world. In Kashmir they are known as "hak" and eaten fresh in summer and dried for winter.
I've seen several varieties of seed available here. Some have waxier leaves than others. Some are heading varieties. Baker Creek carries both the Georgia Southern and Morris Heading variety. Seeds of Change has a variety called "Green Glaze" that are also referred to as "greasy greens". I've also seen the Champion and Vates varieties. Haven't had a chance to try them all out yet.

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

I'm a certified "Yankee" (have never lived more than a couple of hours from one of the Great Lakes) but now you've got ME thinking about collard greens!! I love Asian cooking and agree with garden-mermaid that lots of recipes from that part of the world utilize greens of some kind. Great thread, thanks.

Hi Noobie!
This is a pic of my harvest from last night. :-)

Thumbnail by

Oh, IO1, those are some very tasty looking tomatoes. You are having an earlier bumper crop than we are. So far only one big one. The rest have been cherry. I do see a Brandywine pinking up now. My mouth is watering just thinking of toasted tomato sandwiches!

Creasy greens are yum good. I think I like them the best.


Hi GGG Yes ... they're really coming in now. I just posted more pics over on the tomato forum. I had enough to give to my next door neighbor tonight. :) I weighed a Black From Tula at 15 oz. :-) She's a gonner now though! LOL

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

IO1...what beautiful veggies!!!!! My maters are still green, I think because I didn't plant until the first weekend in June. You guys are making me want to go and fix my greens! They are in the freezer....

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Beautiful harvest IO1!

What is the significance of the numbers taped on the tomatoes?

Thanks for the compliments! They help me keep up with the variety I'm eating! LOL When I pick them I tape the number on it so I can remember which ones I want to plant next year. :-)

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

that's a good idea IO1!!!!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi nooiegardener and all,
May I ask how you are growing your cantaloupe either letting them trail on the ground or up on trellsis?
I wanted to try and grow them, but it seems like a lot of work from what I have read and they take a lot of space.

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

Kpoore...mine are doing a little of both. I had them in these round cages but they have crawled up those, and proceeded to vine all the way up the 7 foot garden cage and all over the ground. They are monstrous in size. I have to go out this weekend and cut them back to one or two vines which will not be easy since they are all twisted and going everywhere. I don't think I will grow them again next year.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the info.
I was going to grow them til I read about the amount of space they required. To bad ...because I love them.

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