New to Clematis

Newton, NJ

I had beatiful clematis (year two) and after that....nothing! Are they supposed to keep blooming or do they die off in May and bloom again in late summer. I am not sure of their habits. This is my first "experiment" with them

Thanks for any advice


Thumbnail by ebaumid
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Erika,

Yes, Clematis are suppose to 'hit their stride' by the 3rd year, didn't get enough water, was eaten by critters, or got Clematis Wilt. Did you mulch around the base of this vine? Do you know the variety of Clematis that you are showing us? I think it might be "Nelly Moser" which is a Group 2 or early blooming Spring Clematis. Because of its delicate coloring, it advisable to grow this one in a part shade location. It will rebloom if you cut back your Clematis after it is done flowering and feed it with either rose or tomato fertilizer to encourage new growth. I would keep watering the spot where it is growing and give it some fertilizer.

Newton, NJ

Oh thank you so much for your insight! I am new to the "clematis thing" but I love them. Did not consider mulch but I have kept up with watering and fertilizer. How far would you recommend I cut this back? It is pretty tall. It might be "Nellie Mouser" as you say. I am afraid I am not sure. Afraid to say - It was one of those random purchases from a box at Lowe's!

This message was edited Jul 1, 2007 7:43 AM

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

With a Group 2 Clematis, I would cut it back by 1/3 AFTER it is done flowering. Water well, feed with either Rose or Tomato fertilizer and mulch around the stems. Try to avoid having the mulch touch the stems as this may cause disease.

Good Luck!

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