Banana Talk

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Hello. I have a question for the banana experts out there. My mom banana has already send up another small side sprout. The mom has slowed down significantly in it's growth. I'm wondering if it's reached it's mature sized or the sprout is sucking energy from mom stunting mom's growth. Anyone know? I have a dwarf musa and she's at about 4-5 feet. Thanks.

Fulton, MO


Most Musa labelled 'Dwarf' don't mature at 4-5 feet. Usually total mature height is in the 6-10' range, depending on the cultivar.

I've never noticed any slowing of growth when pups arrived. However, I have been told that cutting down the pups will lead to bigger hands when momma flowers. That is my practice.

Are your bananas in containers or in the ground?

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

The bananas are in a large container. Their growth slowed down so I repotted in early April. Since then the growth sped up back to normal. But three weeks ago it sent out a pup and the growth slowed down again. So, I'm wondering about why it did that... Like right now, the pup is sending out a leaf every two weeks but the no new leaf on the momma right now...

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Okay. The momma definitely stop growing. The pup is much bigger now and another new pup is emerging too. Help. What's going on???

Thumbnail by lcosden
Fulton, MO

Can you post a pic of the top growth?

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Sure thing.

Thumbnail by lcosden
Fulton, MO

I dunno. The only idea I have culturally would be more light. I seriously doubt it she is mature. You may just have to watch her and see what happens.

I have had a couple of bananas which showed signs of decline of the top growth before maturity. When I cut the stalk off at 6-8", I found the center to have died out. I just repotted and centered the pup in the same pot and the pups took off and grew.

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Will do. I'll keep an eye on this one then. In any case, I don't want to do anything just yet. I want to give the second pup a bit ot time to grow bigger. Thank you for your help though. -Happy Gardening, Lindy

Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

Update.. Crap.. Momma definitely not happy. But the pup is happy as can be right now..

Thumbnail by lcosden
Pawling, NY(Zone 5b)

And there's also another second pup peaking out now..

Thumbnail by lcosden

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