Looks like fire on the island tonight.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Looks like over Lahaina way. We worry about fire almost as much as tsunami because we have nowhere to go in most places except the sea...

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom

I never thought about it like that. Of course it's extra scary to have fire on the islands.
We are having wildfires here at the moment because of our drought. Had some rain yesterday, thanks goodness.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

That does look like a big fire blazing. Fortunately it is far enough away that it can only give you a sunburn!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jenny - I know exactly what you mean! Fires are actually our biggest threat, cuz most storms start out here, so we don't get them nearly as bad as other places. And we are so small that tsunami's just seem to ignore us - not enough of a land mass. But fires! We were having a lovely formal dinner at a pavilion on the beach a few weeks ago, and because of the curve of our island we could see a fire on the other end. Everyone at the dinner was looking/talking about the fire....the food services manager finally got ahold of someone who could tell him what was going on - it was a practise/controlled burn for the fire dept (fires happen at night too - so they have to practise at night). That was the only way the whole group of diners could relax and enjoy the evening!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Well the fire is "under control" after 3 days of high trade winds. Two families lost their homes and farms which burnt completely to the ground in minutes. Cars were stranded overnight, and we had tourist missing their flights out, and plane loads coming in and unable to get to their hotels because the road was closed. The flames leaped over the road several times and two firefighters had to be taken to hospital for smoke inhilation. It was a very dangerous situation altogether, hopefully it's over now.
It has been so dry here, all our native grasses are golden brown and are ready to go up like a tinder box. There is real concern over 4 July fireworks this year...
Off to the beach early tomorrow morning, hopefully to swim with the dolphins.
Aloha to all.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Mahalo nui loa for this Lahaina sunset. We have taken a cruise through your wonderful islands in April: Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kaui, Fanning Island and back to Oahu. We dream of returning there, maybe next year. I missed out on seeing the telescopes on the big island and we didn't have time to go see another DGer on the Big Island. I celebrated my 52nd birthday by going to the luau at the Royal Lahaina Hotel in Maui. Until we return, we eat the last of the macademia nuts stash we brought back. The Kona coffee is long gone and we listen to Israel Kamakawiwo'ole on the car's CD player.

When we visited Maui, the taxi driver we had hired for the day took us through field after field of sugar cane. She told us that at some point, they burned down the fields. We asked if it was dangerous and she nonchalently said no. I agree with you that widespread fire would be a concern on an island covered in flamable vegetation.


Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh! I apollogize for my sunburn remark. I thought that was a sunset picture that just looked like a fire. I am glad to know it has finally been controlled. I hope there was no loss of life and that those who lost their homes will be able to rise like Pheonixes from the ashes.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Sylvain!

Lovely to hear you enjoyed yourself on your trip through the islands, you must come back to visit!

Yes, they do set the sugar cane fields on fire to harvest. There are a lot of people here that would like to see this practice stopped because of the smoke and the backened pieces of cane that float down (we call this Maui snow). We are lucky in south Kihei because of the way the winds blow we rarely get the smoke, but those that live in the central valley and Maalea harbor area get it big time. They call them "controled burns", because they set the fields alight and then bulldose the edges of the cane toward the center of the fields. The fire is so intense that all the plastic pipe used for irrigation is melted and has to be replaced each time. Each field of sugar is harvested 3 times a year....

Izzie's music is great isn't it? They have just brought out a new album to mark the tenth aniversary of his death. Such a lovely voice.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Doesn't all that melted plastic irrigation piping pose an environmental hazard, either when melting or by accumulation into the ground?

We have 3 of Iz's albums. We discovered him by accident while shopping for a large sea shell in a Hilo store. I liked the ambiance music playing there and asked what was playing. That's when we bought E Ala E, Facing Future and Iz In Concert. Good news, my hawaiian is improving. I now sing along with him, back-up singer - of course, LOL.

Being from the canadian province of Québec, where a strong separatist undercurrent exists, I can understand his remarks of restitution of these island gems to their own autonomy. When we returned from Hawai'i, I researched hawai'ian history from the unification wars to Hawai'i's accession to statehood: riveting stuff.

Living in Florida now, we're far from that Québec separation debate. We're thankful for that. We all know that Canada will never give Québec its independance. One can only hope.

Funny thing: here on the mainland, when they mention The King, they usually mean Elvis. Over there, it's King Kamehameha I. If I had a choice, I'd rather the popular expression refered to Kamehameha I instead of Elvis, whose music I don't like.

Speaking of music, I'm now going to go online to find that new Izzie CD. Thanks for the heads-up.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Watch out Sylvain - its dangerous to say you don't like Elvis out loud! LOL.

Jenny - warm and hopeful thoughts going to those who were injured and lost homes in the fire....tourists can deal with it....loss is something anyone should be able to understand.

The history of all the Pacific Islands is riveting to me...have studied many of these islands because the Greenpeace propaganda has us all growing two heads and glowing in the dark....had to find out the truth! I didn't THINK my friends had two heads....but you never know!

I remember one trip back to Kwaj from the States....we were in Honolulu over the fouth, and booked one of those sunset cruises to watch the fireworks....they were cancelled that year because of fire danger....spent the cruise talkin to some islanders who told us about the controlled burns of the sugar cane....scary!

Off to find the new Izzy CD myownself!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I purchased my new Izzy Cd yesterday. I went directly to Mountain Apple's web site: www.mountainapplecompany.com .


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Sylvain, glad you were able to get your new CD, it's supposed to be very good. Fancy you being able to sing in Hawaiian! I have trouble getting my English tongue around some of the words - and to think there are only 13 letters to the Hawaiian alphabet, you would think I could do better than I do!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the site!

Jenny - if you think Hawaiian is tough, you should try Marshallese! All consonants!!!!! And they do all that "back of the throat, swallow the sound" stuff....I'm usually very good with languages....even speak some Hebrew and Arabic, but this one has me beat.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I found the lyrics for Iz's songs on the internet and before you knew it, I was going at it rather well. Genuine hawai'ians would probably roll on the floor if they heard me doing backup with Iz but I'm having a good time, stepping on noone's toes and letting my inner hawaiianness express itself.

Yesterday, I found this film of Iz singing Hawai'i Aloha. I love it. Here is the link:


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Sylvain, thanks for the link for Bruddah Iz ! I listened to it first thing this morning with my cup of tea, very soothing way to start the day! His songs touch right into the soul don't they? Good for you singing back-up!

Shari, I couldn't even begin with the Marshallese! Gosh, I am still learning American after 38 years of marriage!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

The nice people on Fanning island didn't seem to be speaking an user-friendly language either. However, they were very friendly and respectful. I told someone I was looking for a large sea shell, typical of the islands. They brought me to someone who didn't speak english but went into his house to get me one at an unbelievable price. It now sits on the bathroom's counter. Friendliness and respect just flow all over the hawai'ian islands too.

Give me a year and I'll be singing right along with Iz as I drive. I noticed that yesterday. I'm not just confining myself to backups any more. I'm very musical and I learn quickly.

I have just got to get myself over to Hawai'i again soon. My most vivid memory is of visiting Nu'anu Pali, where The King's army pushed their opponents off the cliff: an awesome place. The wind was blowing fiercely that day. You had to walk into the wind. The lookout and the immediate area were surrounded by clouds. You could almost hear their ghosts howling in your ears but it's only the wind (or is it?). I still haven't seen the volcanoes and tons of wonderful sights the islands have to offer. We should rent a house and stay there for a couple months. Yeah, like that's going to happen. One can dream.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I am following this other thread where they are talking about phrases in english that mean other things in England, Scotland, Australia and the US....its a lot of fun! Gotta go all the way to the bottom though, cuz the upfront stuff is about the title subject. (Off on a tangent????DGers????Never!!!)


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the link. I got to finish reading it faster than before. lol. Knew alot of those slangs too.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Enjoyed the link you posted, Shari, nothing like the old mother tongue!
Is anyone familiar with Cockney rhyming? When I was at university in London (many moons ago now) it was commonly spoken in the markets in the East End of London.
Apples and pears (stairs)
Teapot lids (kids)
My favorite - Trouble and strife (wife)!!!!!
Don't know how to post a link, but google Cockney Slang if you have time, I am sure there will be info. Its quite an unusual type of pidgin'.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I have a friend (used to be a DJ here on the island), who's Mom was a Brit, and she kept us all in stitches with the Cockey Slang. She would incorporate some into her radio shows....it was so funny. One of my favorite sayings of hers though, wasn't slang, it was just funny. When describing the game of cricket to Americans, she would call it Baseball on Valium. It was such a perfect description that I use it to this day, 20 years later!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That's a good one!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I never could get my ear around Cockney. The sounds just bounce around in there, unrecognizeable. I can't explain it. Cricket is something that had to be part of you from birth. Basebal on valium is an apt description. When I lived in Canada, I enjoyed watching curling on TV. It's slow but it can still run circles around cricket.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh I agree Sylvain! Curling is much more fun than Cricket! But when you are a die-hard baseball player living in Saudi Arabia, Cricket is the closest you can get. When hubby was playing, I got caught up on a lot of my reading! LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Curling is fun to watch. Very intense. I have a curling game on here too and it's fun to play.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

My, the convoluted path this thread is taking: burning sugar cane, cruising the islands, Iz, Elvis, The King, Marshallese, Fanning Islandese, cockney, cricket, curling. I love it. But, may I ask, have the fires subsided on Maui?


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

You are right Sylvain! We get so off track! How did the 4th go? No more fires I hope!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Fire finally put out on Wednesday. My daughter and son in law rode passed today and said it looked just like a moon scape, the fire had jumped the road and had burnt right down to the ocean. Very sad really, especially those who lost their homes and farms. Luckily the Maui Humane Society managed to get all the pets out safely. The farmers let all their chickens and pigs free from their pens so hopefully they ran to safety, but how they are going to recapture them I have no idea! One fellow had a hydroponic tomato farm that was completely burnt out.

Since that fire started we have had three other blazes which have been put out quite quickly.

I heard that they had a fire on the Big Island this week, but haven't been able to catch the news so don't know if it's out. Everywhere is so dry. I have been told that when there is El Nino weather on the mainland we get drought conditions in the islands, we are cutting back on water consumption by 25% especially "up-country".

That being said , I feel so bad for all the folks being flooded out on the mainland. I am sure that our small losses are nothing compared to what some troubles some are having. Europe has had a rotten June too, friends from another forum report flooding in England, Wales, and Norway . Someone from Germany said that she was having to put the heat on in the house.....whilst those in the Southwest are boiling.

Strange summer after an equally strange winter for some folks. I hope everyone on our little forum is doing okay.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

I have been trying to keep track of people, so far it seems that our friends here are damp but okay. Our hearts go out to those who lost in the fires. You guys take care!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

In Montreal (Québec, Canada), where there they wait all year long for summer to show up, they have to put up with temps that drop to 45-50 at hight and only reach 65-70 during the day. Furthermore, when it rains there, it often rains for a whole week. They are having one of those summers that won't show up until October for a few days. That's called indian summer and it's often the only summer you see before winter takes hold of the place again.

Here, we get 90s during the day, 70s at night with rain every day. We try not to complain too much. Be good, all. I'm off to the county extension to be the day's volunteer master gardener. What will people come up with today? Noone knows.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you for introducing me to IZ. My family believes music is the most special gift from God. Have 2 professional performers in my immediate family. Possibly I am the only one who has been in the dark. There is so much wonderful information imparted on DG and you never know where it will be.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Loooooccyyyy!!!! Oh my! If you have professional musicians in your immediate family you truly are blessed! I agree music is a most special gift! I have music playing whenever I am home, and I always take music with me when I am working in the hobby shop, or working at the Handicrafts Store.....my husband and I collect music from all over the world, and it is amazing how people will open up to you when you ask if you can record their music or join in....in some places that is the only way to actually be "included" in the local society. Music.....the one gift with absolutely no strings attached.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't think I told you all this but I received my CD of Braddah Iz in record time (no pun intended). I ordered it by internet on the Sunday morning and it was here on the Thursday morning. Mountain Apple records rules!

This latest CD is really good. Israel is backed by a symphony orchestra. And guess what: I found one of his CDs sitting on my desk that I still had not heard. It has been there since we returned from Hawaii, over 2 months ago, unopened. It's called E Ala E. My favourite tracks are E Ala E and You Are The Wind Beneath My Wing.

That CD was buried among so many other DVDs and CDs. I found it while looking for a DVD of "First Flower", tracing the first plant in history to produce a flower through fossils. My desk is a bit on the disorganized side: my bad... ouch!

Anyhow, my clutter brought me a very nice surprise. Life is sweet and so is Iz's music. His music is so calming, soothing. Is it just me?

Take care, all.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

No....not just you. When my life is hectic, and I start getting frazzeled....a little IZ (little....Iz......in the same sentence?????)goes a long way toward calming things down. He's a magician of the human condition ....how else explain his growing popularity after he is gone from this plane?

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hello, everyone.

I have joined a web site called Panoramio a few days ago. That web site allows you to upload your pictures so friends can go check them out. Also, when you are showing a definite place or landmark, you may map it for inclusion in Google Earth's new version.

When you use Google Earth and look for Honolulu, it will show you the map but the new version will have blue dots that you can click to see the pictures that have been submitted by users like me. For example, I have uploaded and mapped the Aloha tower in Honolulu.

Please feel free to go see my pictures at:

Feedback is welcome.

I include a picture of myself wearing a kukui lei during our hawaiian cruise. It was late at night, we had too much wine and I was dead tired. Hey, what am I talking about? I look like this in real life.

Mahalo and Aloha

Thumbnail by lourspolaire
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

And a big smile back atcha'......


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sylvain, this is a great link....and a very good topic for a new thread! People won't see it here, because this thread has the title of the fire....I think it would be wonderful if you would start a new thread with it.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Good idea, Shari.

I have started a new thread in the Tropical Gardening forum.


Everyone, tell all your friends and join me over there.


Thumbnail by lourspolaire

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