Totals not correct - how to fix?

Westchester, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone,

Well, I've really been overhauling my journals, lately. I cloned and moved hundreds of plants from one journal to others. However, since doing this - the total number of plants (the number in parenthesis) is wayyyy off for most of my journals. For instance, I made a new journal and moved cloned plants from another journal into it. Now that new journal has 99 plants in it, but it still says it has zero. Also, another journal I have has over 100 plants in it, but it says it only has 28. Is there some way I can fix this? Thanks for any help. I have hundreds (maybe even 1000) plants in my journals and really don't want to do them all over, one at a time, just so the total numbers will be right.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Did you just do the changes recently? I wonder if it's something where it has to update something on the server to make the counts right, so maybe it'll be something that fixes itself in a day or two.

Westchester, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi ecrane3,

Yes, these were recent changes. I was thinking the same thing. I waited one day, I guess I'll give it a couple more before I do something drastic, lol. ;)


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I've noticed this in my journal as well.

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