My Alarm Clock...

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

These guys start chirping for breakfast at about 4:30 AM. Very very noisy. I'm enjoying every minute of it. They are almost as big as momma bird and should be flying off soon. The Dad has already made another nest in the front yard for brood #2...

Thumbnail by tamberlin
The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

That's a great shot! What cute little darlings.

Here's my 'alarm clock'. Who ever said that hummers were quiet little creatures?

Thumbnail by Candyce
Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

Those hummers are definitely NOT quiet! they make a lot of noise chasing each other away from the feeders in my yard! They were buzzing my husband last night when he came too close.

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

What are the birds? I have a bird house that I put up and Mr. House Wren has been loading it with sticks. So far the Mrs. hasn't moved in.
Whats the secret to the hummers? I've had a feeder up with several red necture plants. But so far no birds.

This message was edited Jun 26, 2007 6:54 PM

Framingham, MA(Zone 6a)

dogwalker - this is only the 2nd year I've had hummers around. I've got feeders stationed at all corners of the yard, but they like the one in back where the red trumpet honeysuckle is. I think the key to keeping the birds around is to have water and food available. I've always got robins, cardinals and bluejays munching on worms from the compost bin as well. Mr. Wren has made at least 5 nests in my yard, but the Mrs. has only chosen the one. He likes to give her lots of options!
I'm not sure, but I think he's got 2 families going at once.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)


I don't know of any secret to having hummingbirds in your yard. I just put up feeders, not too closely to one another, and the little darlings seem to seek them out.

The photo that I sent is taken from an upstairs (2nd story) window that faces south. I have a feeder hanging just outside of it and another hanging right on the window glass that faces east. The hummingbird food I use is four parts water to one part granulated sugar - nothing fancy. I try to change the sugar water about every four or five days.

I just love to sit and watch the hummers antagonize the cats every evening!!

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Yup, thats the same mixture that I am using. I dump and refill the feeder every couple of weeks. There may have been hummers at the feeder but I have never seen them and the level of the feeder never seems to change.
Do they seem to come at any special time?

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)


(Thanks for letting me use your name)

The hummers come and go all day long, and most times I miss them because they are so quick. But I have learned to listen for the humming of their wings which sounds like a big bumblebee. That, and sitting where I can see the feeders when I take a break from the rest of my life helps me to see them.

When you feed the hummers the water and sugar mix, don't let it be in the feeders too long. Think of beer-making. The sugar in the water acts as to naturally ferment the water, and it can happen quickly, especially during hot weather. That's why I change the 'feed' every few days. They really seem to like it as fresh as they can get it.

Once you have a hummingbird coming to your feeder regulary, you'll find that they will return year after year. Ours usually show up around Mother's Day. If the feeders aren't out yet, they will buzz the window and just hover there as if to say "Hey! Where's dinner?".

We have been feeding and watching hummers for almost a decade now and are constantly surprised at their antics. No other bird gets so much pleasure from tormenting the cats that nap on the window sill. I know that the birds do it on purpose because I have watched them fly up to within inches of the cat's nose and just hover there, squeaking their fool heads off, darting back and forth, and not even touching the feeder!

I hope you get to have a hummer or two take up residence because they really are such clowns and to watch them is such a stress reliever!

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