New Visitor

Waxahachie, TX(Zone 8a)

We bought our house 2 years ago and there was only prairie/desert wildlife around. Well, between the organic regimen, the new plant introduction, and the bird feeders, I finally had my first visit from a squirrel! With all the rain we've been getting and the cooler than normal temps, I'm noticing alot more toads and frogs as well, insect control!

Thumbnail by broncbuster
Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I know lots of people who despise squirrels at their bird feeders. Personally, I enjoy watching them. I figure the critters are used to having to share food sources out in the wild so why not at my feeders too. I currently have 4 coming to my feeder and have gotten some cute pictures of one of them lounging in my little tree. One of the squirrels gets right up into the feeder and the other 3 seem to prefer the area under a young red oak where I put sunflower seeds for the ground-feeding birds. The squirrels take one side and the birds the other. They are very democratic about it. BTW, good shot of your squirrel.

Lawrenceville, GA

Note to self: Send half my squirrel population to TX, other half to MS.!!!

Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I agree. They love them because they have one...or two...or four.
How about 200 of them. Reminds me of that old film "Willard", remember that? with the rats, or mice or whatever?
That is a really nice pretty one though. Glad you have him coming in. What a lovely color he is.
I had a big fox squirrel out there today that I swear was part elephant. What a huge thing. I let the dog out and I swear I saw ripples in my glass of water when his feet hit the ground.
Don't worry, he was back in about 5 minutes, eating away like he had not even left. He kept out all the other ones though today.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a lot of squirrels too. I have squirrel baffles my shepherd hooks, so they can't get up on them. Our squirrels have their own feeders and I put out a cup of the mixed food everyday. The blue jays like the peanuts too! Here's a picture I snapped earlier.....

Thumbnail by terryr
Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Here's another one lounging in the tree in the side yard.

Thumbnail by terryr
Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I enjoy the few that come to my feeders but, trust me, MS doesn't need anymore squirrels! We have tons of them out in the woods. The reason I have so few at my bird feeders is because we have 5 acres of yard and they have to come across a long open area to get to the feeder. They really don't like having to do that. One day one of my cats had one trapped on the porch. When I came out I spooked the squirrell and it took off across the yard. My cat really gave it a run for it's money, lol. Chased it all the way to the woods. Didn't bother it too bad though, it was back the next day (brought a buddy with him too).

Lawrenceville, GA

My attack cocker spaniel knows the words "ball," "car" and "Sophie, go get that squirrel off mommy's birdfeeder." She's a trooper, I tell ya! She's also been known to chase those loud airplanes from one corner of the yard to the other when they fly over our house. She looks silly doing it, but we haven't had one land in our yard yet!

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

LOL! Kinda sounds like our dogs--we always say they "keep the elephants away."

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is our newest visitor :)

Thumbnail by wind
Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

Awwww. What a cute picture. Is he living there or just checking out the neighborhood?

Brainerd, MN

wind - that is so funny!

Waxahachie, TX(Zone 8a)

I haven't seen that squirrel for some time, now. I guess he found another place to eat with less of an audience.

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