Is Convallaria majuscula invasive?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Is the American Lily of the Valley invasive like it's Asian counterpart? Zone 7, Maryland.

The Convallaria majalis is invasive over here, that's for sure. One thing though, it's native to both Europe and Asia.

Convallaria majuscula is native to 5 states yet it appears as having naturalized in an additional 3 so my thoughts are that it might not be a plant you'd want to stick in the ground in Maryland. You're too far north out of the natural range of that plant. Another plant that is "native" that there are some major issues with would be Black Locust. Same deal, it's native to only a handful of states yet it is shown as having naturalized in quite few others. Any plant out of range has the potential to become a garden thug. If you like the plant, try it and see what happens. I've planted quite a few "natives" from other states and have had no problems yet on the other hand... I've planted quite a few "natives" from other states that got out of control in no time flat.

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