Identifying clematis

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

I have been trying to identify this one clematis for the last few weeks with no luck. It was marked as a jackmanni when I bought it but since I have had several in the past I know without a doubt it isn't. I have not gotten film back yet with pictures but here is the description. Flowers are more of a solid red purple and only about an inch to 2 inches max. Also 5 petals which are rounded and a golden center. Hope you guys come up with some idea I went to several sites one of which the picture of the star of india was perfect but when I compared the flower to other sites they were totally different which baffled me completely .

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

Here is a picture..I think it looks more like the Romantika

Thumbnail by Marlina
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

It looks like clematis "Romantika" to me as well!!..Jeanne

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

You know it was sold as a jackmanni , I probobly have this spelled wrong . Anyway I knew it wasn't because I have two and they are huge and really dark...This has more of a re undertone to it like maybe a red-violet and is much smaller in flower size. Looking at the different web sites etc. that's as close as I can match it is to the Romantika....Thanks Jeanne TX My sister and her husband live in Texas in college station anywhere close. Oh and my brother to but he's up North farther. Marlina

I'll post another picture just for the heck of I think I have three here...Nelly Moser Fireworks and Ernest Markham ( I think its another Ville de lion I think it'puny this year it has a hard time getting enough water I think back where it's at. Will have to give it more attention.

Thumbnail by Marlina
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Marlina..Very pretty..yes College Station isn't that far as a matter of fact I own some property on the 8th hole of the golf course in Bluebonnet Country which is even closer to College Station...Jeanne

Blaine, MN(Zone 4b)

Small world isn't it? Asao clematis

Thumbnail by Marlina
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes it is and getting smaller everyday...very pretty...Jeanne

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