vines wilting

East Andover, NH

My morning glories, sunflowers, peas, scarlet runner plants are all wilting. Water is not the cause - I think it is something in the soil. They do not grow, the leaves stay green - but they just slowly fall to the ground and die. Any suggestions?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

How much have you been watering them? Overwatering can cause wilting too. The next suspect would be voles or gophers chewing on the roots. I don't think it's a soil fungus because those are often specific to one particular sort of plant and you have plants that are not closely related to each other all being affected.

East Andover, NH

I am so happy it may not be a fungus. Maybe we have had too much rain then (New Hampshire). I hope that is the only issue. Is it too late to try and re-plant these seeds?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Can you post some pictures? That would help to tell for sure what's going on. As far as starting over--my guess would be that it is too late to replant the seeds, I don't think they'll have time to germinate, grow, and bloom before frost. But I'm obviously nowhere near your climate, so if someone who lives by you says something different then go with what they're telling you! My thought is if you want to replace these your best bet for this year would be to head to a garden center and see if you can buy some plants..

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