Nature's Underwater Gardens II

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Bye for now friend John....have a good conference!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Yes...I was going to say the same thing about the Yellowfin. Yellowfin Tuna is what is used in sushi....Yellowtail is a lagoon fish, and we don't eat it...

We have a serious mosquito problem here too,. We joke that the most common perfume on island is Eau de Off. But it doesn't seem to work anymore. More like an attractant! The men say they take Nina and I with them everywhere cuz we are the targets so the little buggers leave the guys alone! Arrgh!

Tina - isn't brain coral the freakiest?? I can see why it is used in all those monster movies of the 50's and 60's....

While I look for my pic of a brain coral - check this out....its a little blurry - these guys are small! This is a Christmas tree worm...can you see why its called that?

Thumbnail by Islandshari
West Bay, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

OH yes Mozzies!! we have them in abundance here too...they use fogger trucks and spray planes and helps alot, but still have a problem with them...'tis the season

Okay, we are about packed, Katie is bringing a laptop so there is a chance we can post from our destination during the next week...all day travel ahead of us for now, will look for you guys tomorrow when I can....

Shari, I think Christmas Tree worms are the coolest, so beautiful and yet so can wave water at them and they disappear into their tubes, but within moments, re-appear to full bloom!! And they come in a wide variety of colors!!! Here is a brownish one...

i'm gone now for sure!!!. WALMART! Here we come!!!

john and katie

This message was edited Jun 25, 2007 8:17 AM

Thumbnail by caribblue
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL John!!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Wishing you a safe and fun trip.

Those Christmas tree worms are really something! Some life forms have evolved into very strange configurations.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Here's a blue one....wish we could get as close as John does....they are really something - YES! I'm exhausted today....had chile verde parties for the last two nights....lots of fun! Then today, I did all my indoor chores, (BORING), and finally got outside. Did some repotting, trimmed an eight ft. ti plant that was just getting topheavy, planted some seeds for a mixed flower container....say maybe you folks can help me...I have an aphelandra that got overwatered.....I guess the roots just couldn't keep up with the water, cuz I dug it up (not very big - just a baby) and the root ball was very wet - but the pot seemed to be draining okay....strange. I dried everything off and put dry potting soil in and repotted the aphelandra....did I do right? I want this to survive, so any and all advise will be welcomed.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
(Zone 1)

Awsome Photo's as usual! I love this Forum! Please keep these Beautiful Underwater Scenes coming!

Shari: I don't know a thing about Aphelandra plants, but they sure are pretty!
I love the first one in Plant Files:

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

It seems strange to think of "worms" living under the sea. I guess I'm just used to earthworms. :-)

The photos of the Christmas Tree Worms are great! I can surely see where they got their names from.

I hope your trip goes well John. We'll be thinking about you and hoping you'll be back soon.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Lin! Yep - mine is the Coral - the first pic in PlantFiles. I sure hope it survives. They are sooooo pretty!

Here is a pic of Similar Damsels swimming in the tube worms....I feel very intimidated trying to keep up the thread by myself! I sure hope John can join us from his conference!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I am not familiar with Aphelandra's but if the roots were soggy for too long they may have been showing signs of rot. If the roots were still firm and white you should be fine with it.

If they were yellowing or turning brown you should remove as much of the bad root sections as possible so the healthy parts can grow without fighting the rot.

Also, once the roots have been cut back to healthy sections only, it sometimes helps to give them a quick dip in a tablespoon of bleach to a quart of water solution before replanting. I managed to save a lot of overwatered plants over the years doing this.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Zany - Thanks so much....I'll give it a try!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Got a new kitty today. Will tell what happened tomorrow. Too tired and need to hit the sack now.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Shari your photo is wonderful. The blue of the fish is so vivid. When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought of our wasp daubbers (sp.?) nests.

Opening the photo, you can see little holes/pores in the tube worms. It almost looks like concrete.

Please don't feel intimidated. We are all enjoying this beautiful world that we might not otherwise see. You have a wonderful playground!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

and look at all the cutie pies hiding underneath!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

They reminded me of mud daubbers as well! Thank you for the nice words - I'm glad you like the pics. This is a two picture shot....:
Here is a nice 3-4 ft. Porites antennuata or hard coral....

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Well! Those two got twisted around! Guess that's what happens when you open two windows! Ha Ha. So look at the bottom one first, enjoy!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Pepper - so......tell about the new kitty.......????

Christi - this one is just for you. I said it doesn't take courage to get in the water - just to stay away from it? Well, sometimes it CAN get quite eerie down there. Can you imagine swimming amongst these guys? Talk about Twilight Zone!

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh WOW!!! They look like flashlights! HAHAHAHAHA Or a Rocky Horror Show Audience! HAHAHAHAHAHA

That DOES look like something from the Twilight Zone. WOWOWOW I wonder what makes those eyes light up like that?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh wow! I would be heading for shore for sure. What are these guys?
Were you there, Shari? Whoever, I am as ever in awe of all of you. Thank you for sharing. What beautiful planet we inhabit.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My new kitty, Curly. Dumped at work over the weekend with his 2 brothers and his sister. The others still need a home. Mine has a bulls-eye on both sides of him. Tried to call him bulls eye or bully but they can be hard to say. So we are trying curly. But he likes Whiskers better. That's my other cat's name. lol. Here is his pic. Very lovey dovey guy. One of his brothers though can outdo him. Loves so well that the woman keeping them in her office calls him Loverboy. LOL

Thumbnail by pepper23
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

All stretched out enjoying the attention.

Thumbnail by pepper23
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Curly is soooo cute!!! Lots of fun in store for you in near future! Nope I wasn't at that dive. It was taken at a place called Troy's coralhead, which is a favorite for the advanced divers. They can get real low and look up to see all the sharks swimming around because of all the schools of fish that hang out there. Don't know what those guys were called, sorry. These are more my speed:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Curly got his first shot today and got to see his brothers and sister again. My cat whiskers hasn't been home since we got home. He is still pouting. I just hopes he comes back.

Nice pic by the way.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

He'll be home when he gets hungry. No negative waves!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. He does disappear for a few days sometimes but this is the first time we have brought a new kitty home for him so we are worrying. Hoping he gets over it and accepts him.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

You guys are amazing!!! I get back from the mainland and there are threads that read like novels...where do I begin????

We have 4 different mozzies here...with their special times of the day and they all adore me!!! I have so many scabs all over my body from scratching them.... The cool Pacific NW was a respite!!! I hate them...they don't bother DH at all!!! I alternate the deet forumulas....

Wonderful underwater photos...keep them coming. Shari...I still want to visit you...tell me when!!!

Well...back to work...

Alohas and all,

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hiya Carol! You are welcome anytime my dear - I just need a couple of months notice to get the paperwork started. (Don't laugh - I'm serious!) DD and I are off to the warehouse for more handicraft sorting pretty soon but wanted to get this pick out to you all. This is a good shot of the cornet/trumpet/pipe fish (people call them different things)....with the other fish in the pic you can really tell how thin and reedy these guys are:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Texas-Oklahoma have been almost ready to join the underwater world. Floods everywhere and no chance for clearing any time soon. Reaching for an alltime high in the rain reading any day now. I started my own itty-bitty pond about 4-5 weeks ago and during that time it has rained daily....been watching to see if my "pond" was going to run over the sides.
Please don't laugh....posting pictures of the above.

Thumbnail by LouC
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

and my babies........

cleaned the two filters and fountains yesterday. They have quadrupled their growth in just 4 weeks.

No comparison with the world of the sea. Closest I will ever get and it gives me pleasure.

Just keep those pictures coming so I may fantasize what it must be like.


Thumbnail by LouC
Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh Lou! Your pond is wonderful, along with your landscaping!

Do you have your rope light inside of the water??? Yikes!!! I'd be worried about something "biting through it" and electrocuting something! But then again, I'm a bit of a worry wart. I get that from my Mom.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We are also prone to flooding now. Actually it did flood this morning and early afternoon. Here is a post I have copied and pasted.

We got over 6 inches of rain at work these last 2 days. We actually got flooded out in some areas. The island garden and the arbor were flooded when I left this morning. At the island the water was half-way up the wall when I left. Our roads were flooded in places and the lake was higher than I have ever seen it. For those of you who don't know, I work at a botanical garden. lol. Fun til bad weather hits. lol

I left about 10:45 this morning since I was losing my brakes on my golf cart, it was getting treacherous, and because I was so wet I was squishy and left water where ever i went. My jeans were so wet it wasn't funny. The jeans were so wet that when my mom felt them several hours later they were wetter than when they come out of the washer. My boss kinda laughed when he saw me and let me go home. I was really happy cause I was also getting cold.

When I finally left I went to take the gravel road that would take me to the hwy and didn't get very far on there because it was flooded out really bad over by the bridge. I talked to some guys who were there then we all left and I went to take the hwy home. Well, I get by a major subdivison there called Oakshire and there was water over the road there. Luckily it wasn't bad enough I couldn't get thru. I just had to be careful. I made it thru there and there weren't anymore high water spots. It was a crazy day for everything around here.

Water, water everywhere!! And the worse possible weekend too. We have tons of stuff going on this weekend at work.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay....are you Lou or Christi???? Both? Is this another cross-dressing peculiarity??? I feel like Charlie Brown....I'm so confused! So....why in the world would anyone laugh at such a beautiful and obviously pleasurable example of what a lot of hard work and determination can accomplish? It's Lovely!!!!

Sounds like you all are practising for some tropical adventures whether you want to or not! Global warming....I tell ya, pretty soon the equator is gonna look like a girdle (geesh - does anyone even know what those are anymore???)

I think I'm punch-drunk. Worked in that ice cold warehouse all day on handicrafts...the smell (not unpleasant) of the weavings must have turned my brain (alleged) to mush. So I will shut up and put up a pic instead. This is a good shot of some temple coral at the early stage. These aren't very big - but it will give you an idea of how cool they will look when they get 10 and 20 ft. high.

Thumbnail by Islandshari
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Last time. you have unbelievable eyes to see the tiny bit of rope light. I am careful to keep either end out of the water and gives just a soft glow.
The little fishies are no bigger than my thumb and can't bite anything. Nothing in there to bite. (I hope)

Christi Lou

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I love rope lights. The day after Christmas, I almost always hit up Walmart to see if they have any left and buy 'em up. I use them everywhere!

Several years back, I found a pond light on the clearance table at Home Depot for $3.00. I bought it thinking to give it to my sister, Connie because she already had a pond. The next day, my hubby brings home a pond form that he got on the clearance aisle at a local hardware. It was $20. There was a small hole towards the top of it and he used a soldering gun to heat the plastic up and melt it back together. It held water for several years, until Hurricane Rita buckled it in half. I no longer have a pond any more. I did FINALLY give the pond light to Connie!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I am Christi Lou

Have a reputation with my friends for various adventures that causes them to call me by a famous "Lucy"......hence LouC. cleeevvveeerr.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Very Clever!! LOL

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Looooooccccyyyy - I'm hoooome! I love it! Hiya everyone! How's the new kitty? Did Whiskers come home yet? Janet - You'll just have to get another pond! Want some of mine? Don't know how well it would ship - lol! Well, to keep to the nature of the thread, I will post another pic....don't think I've posted this one before - but if so, please forgive. here we have a couple of pretty Pink Anemonefish:

Thumbnail by Islandshari
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Curly is doin good. He's been inside alot because it has been raining nonstop and it has been kinda cold. He doesn't have much fur on him. Whiskers did come back. He's still pouting but hopefully he will get over it. Curly had to go to the vet today to get a tick out of his butt and to get a checkup. 8-10 wks old, 2 Ibs, and all in all in good health so far. Has to be checked for lukemia next time and get a couple of shots.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey Pep, are you familiar with Brown Dog Tick? They are telling us that there have been some found on island, but I can't find anyone who can tell me if these ticks bother cats. My Bogie only goes outside - in our yard only - once in a while, but I don't know if I should worry about this.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I haven't but I will google to see real quick.

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