What is your best find Antique/Collectible Part 2

Tampa, FL

How's that Jada? Now i can tell you about the best thing i have ever come across...i am a vintage jewelry dealer, had a shop at a local flea mkt. A gentleman came in with a box of vintage jewelry, mostly junk. purses etc. I looked at it and gave him a bid of 200.00 dollars for all...i thought i was being fair, which was important to me, wanted to keep my reputation as an honest dealer. There was a bar shaped brooch, that looked like a nice costume piece...it turned out to be real! (A visiting customer who deals in real told me to have it tested) I had it appraised at $12,000.00 retail!! The man never returned, and i wholesaled it out for $7,000.00. It was spectacular, art deco piece in white gold, with 2 amethyst cabochons, and the rest were diamonds...it was so large and had no designations of any kind on it, it looked like costume! i was thrilled! (so was my husband!) i doubt it will ever happen again...i feel that i made an honest mistake..and didn't cheat the gentleman...i bought new living room furniture with the money! sue

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