Ready for arranging!!!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

My daughter and I doing some arrangements for this historical group tomorrow so today we picked and picked. Heirloom Roses will be bring us rose blooms. We were all loaded up and ready to put these in the car for tomorrow's event. If they had to buy these, what do you suppose the value would be? (they aren't buying we are giving them)

Thumbnail by Lenjo
West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh, probably an arm and a leg... maybe just an arm. I look forward to seeing the pictures!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

An arm and a leg. LOL I don't want either. LOL It will be just to see them enjoy and use them.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

That's so generous of you to give all those beautiful flowers away!!! I say they're at least $2000...I may be totally underestimating though!!

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Wow, karma I think you are way overestimating. I have tried to start a business selling cutflowers but my biggest problem is me. I just can't see how you can sell such beauty. It is not really mine in a sense. I feel like I only cooperate with HIM. But how I do love it and the colors and textures, wow. The plant world just leaves me in such awe.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

That's a beautiful perspective Lenjo.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

A beautiful perspective and a beautiful Gatorfull of blooms! I would never leave those gorgeous grounds, if I were you Joann. It's clearly summer in Mt Angel!

Now.... what is that red bush/shrub in bloom behind the gator? LOL And how about the pinky/lav arching blooms on the ground? I am always curious, sorry.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Karma.

Annie, you are my kind of girl, curious to know and to learn. Love it. The red behind the Gator is a Climbing Blaze rose and the pink plumey thing is a kind of laurel. I should put it on the id forum as I am not exactly sure what kind of laurel. It grows wild in the fence rows around by the roads. If you keep your eyes open there is so much stuff that works in arrangements growing wild here and there. The white in front of Gator is some white yarrow I found growing in the neighbor's berries and it makes a great baby's breath substitute.

Forgot my camera so no pictures but Katy did make some beautiful large arrangements.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I thought they were queen anne's lace. I've seen yarrow in yellow but never white. I would substitute those for baby's breath any day.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I love yarrow: a very nicely behaved i.e. non spreader is Yarrow lactiflora "Anthea." It's a pale yellow bloom with the usual foliage and a height of about 2.5 ft. Nice plant. I also have the wild lavender yarrow that seeds itself all over if not controlled, but I like the scent and compact flower formation. Also a sort of rusty orange yarrow that comes in handy for little fillers.

Lenjo, thanks for filling in the blanks on your bloom names. I didn't know laurel bloomed! So many plants, so little time....

Has anyone anything BAD to say about Queen Anne's Lace? Does it run wild, not hold up well once cut, stink? Should I try some, in other words?

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Annie, I would never deliberately plant Queen Anne's Lace. There is plenty of wild to be had. And karma it is a great plant as a filler. I just snitch from the roadsides if i need a filler.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Lenjo, were you referring to queen anne's lace or yarrow? I like them both, but in very different ways--Queen Anne's lace when I need delicacy and yarrow when I want structure.

Poochella, I think QA's smell way better than baby's breath. The only con I find with the QA's is that it sheds. I don't have any experience in growing them though. I 'm just starting out as a gardener of cut flowers. Actually, a beginner gardener in general. Thanks for the info on Yarrow lactiflora. I will see if I'm able to grow it.

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