And my name is?

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

This finally bloomed after I was given the bulb? two years ago and what a lovely surprise. Only found out it was a crinum after it was identified on another forum. Can it be identified further? Thanks.

Thumbnail by Artgal
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

You have a lovely Crinum there!

It looks to be one of the "grex" (a certain type of hybrid cross) known as X herberttii. I have seen similar plants sold or passed around under various names, so it would be very difficult to say much more.

Anyway, you have a what's commonly known as a "Milk and Wine Lily" and yours is from a very old heirloom line. I have one that looks identical to yours that came to NC from Florida. Dates from the 19th century.

What a beauty!


Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you, Raydio. I feel very honored to have such a pretty specimen.

Oh yes! You've got a very pretty x herbertii there!

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

What do I do now it has finished flowering? Deadhead or just let it die back naturally?

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