clover , thyme and oregano, as a lawn alternative

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I have been adding white clover to my small patch of remaining lawn for the past two years in hopes to have some green in the bare spots (I have three dogs) - I am secretly hoping that it takes over completely. I know it has been a "weed" in grasses but I love it. I have seen thyme lawns in person and they are awesome, but can't handle three greyhounds. Creeping oreganos are supposed to be good, but they probably won't handle our winters, so clover is my choice, though I do use Fleur de Lawn and it has held up remarkably well even with our hounds. And doesn't creep into the beds and is very pretty and drought resistant. But I still have those bare spots.

Anyone else use other plants as a lawn alternative?

Wilsonville, OR(Zone 8b)

Hi Mobi,

I also love white clover - and it smells divine as well! I hope it takes over more and more of my lawn, right now I have it in patches. I planted some roman chamomile as well, not as a lawn alternative, but I understand it can work that way, and can even be mowed. I planted it to attract beneficial insects. If it does spread, I'll be happy about that as well.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I am also thinking about pennyroyal, but it IS a mint and I don't want to be yanking it out my flower beds for the rest of my life.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Oregano is a perennial in your zone. Creeping thyme, too. I have a hedge bed of creeping thyme as "lawn" in the area between my walk and the curb. It dies back in the winter and greens up quickly in the spring and makes a thick carpet. The oregano dies away completely and I'm guessing that it reseeds itself in the spring. I planted saffron for winter flowers poking up through the thyme.

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