lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Finally got a good soaking here yesterday. Rained really hard for about 45 minutes and then off and on all evening. Hey I'll get to see mud puddles today. YAHOO

Hi Jim!
Nope ... you're not confused ... it's a new name but still me. It did the same thing waaay down south, also. Woke up around 4 to more rain. :) I have some mighty happy plants along with some happy frogs out in the garden this morning. LOL
... SE

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Jim..I've had 4 days of rain..woke up at 3:30am and sit on the screened in porch with my coffee and watched the lightening in the distance..glad some of it finally came your way!!...Jeanne

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yipeee!!!! Here too. All new little baby plants are really getting settled well. Rained here night before last too, actually and almost all day yesterday. My dog was NOT a happy camper!

Thumbnail by TulipLady
lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi Elaine, you did have me double taking. Couldn't remember any one that would call me Jim and me not know them. Hope you are doing well and getting more rain.

Hi Jeanne, glad you sent the rain on up this way. Really needed it. You got all those clematis still climbing up to the Tx sun? Sure would like to walk through your gardens and see all the beauty.

Hi Coby, well this rain will do wonders for your plants that you just added. In no time it will be a work of art there. My dog also. Poor little lady but she will survive.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I knew it would start to rain right before I had a well dug!


lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi Susan, lol Well maybe they won't have to dig as deep now.

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Has most of the State got some rain in the last week? I know that here on the central east side our conditions have not been quite as dire and we've had a few good downpours (and one great soaking rain) in the last 10 days.

Thomson, GA

Artgal, I watched the radar earlier today and it looked like Evans got some heavy rains today. We had clouds but not a drop of rain in Thomson. I had taken the day off because Comcast came out to install our new digital phone service, and worked in the yard all day. Part of the day was spent watering everything 'cause the stuff that is in full sun is starting to wilt.

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Guardians, I love going to and going to the interactive radar, homing-in on our subdivision and watching if the rain is coming to us - it is always so localized. We got some rain for about 20 minutes - maybe not as heavy as some areas, but I always take what I get!

Edited to add: Did you make it to McCorkles? What did you get?

This message was edited Jun 20, 2007 9:06 PM

We got some more rain today. Woohoo! It's amazing how much my plants have grown in just a couple of days from the rain. :)

guardians ... wish I could send you some ... wish everyone could get some!
... SusanE

Thomson, GA


I did NOT make it to McCorkles. I was so dissapointed, but one of my counterparts that normally handles the Buckhead area was "unavailable" and I ended up having to work Saturday. Probably for the best, as I would need another day to plant what I would have picked up there. And with the lack of rain, I feel like I would have to baby everything. Maybe the sale in September will be better for me. I still want some more hydrangea and a couple crape myrtles. It sounds like you got some great new plants - I'm so jealous :) but happy for you!

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm glad that McCorkle's has two sales a year - don't feel too bad if you miss one. I think the Fall sale is towards the end of September? I saw the exact same Encore azalea that I purchased at a local nursery (that McCorkle's supplies) for 24.99 instead of the 11.99 I paid!

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