Question about 'attacking' birds.

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

I don't know where else to post this, so that's why it's here. I am sorry, but I am getting sick and tired of all the birds in my yard. When I go out to water my backyard garden they practically attack me, and I'm not kidding! It's awful!!!! Is there anything I can do to stop the stupid things from swarming and divebombing me? And they start making all this noise and a ton more of them come at me. And I mean AT me. What can I do?????????????????

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I have the same problem with a BF eating mockingbird where I started a thread in the wildlife forum. Many folks suggested hanging mylar streamers from branches to scare her/him away.

I'm using a cheerleading pompom hanging from a dogwood tree. Neighbors probably think I'm bananas, but that's ok. I'm on a BF mission. I worked too hard planting all of my host and nectar plants to be pester by a mocking bird.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

They are attacking you because they have babies just starting to fledge there in 5b. It'll stop very soon. I know it's annoying. They're very brave birds.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)

I have had to stop pruning two seperate bushes because there was a nest in there. The closer I got, the louder the birds became. I couldn't see the nest because it was buried in the center. When I finally realized what I happening (only because I could see the nest), I discontinued my pruning. As a result, I have some very interesting looking lopsided bushes.

This message was edited Jun 19, 2007 9:14 PM

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

How soon will it stop? They are taking over a whole garden area and I need to do things in that bed. I don't see a nest. They are really ticking me off! I know, you're supposed to love the birds in your yard. But when they become so aggresive they start calling in tons of their friends, it's a little scary.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

You can always give them a little blast of the hose.

The ones in my yard left me alone, but I thought it was because they decided the cat is the threat, not me. Scapegoat! A rubber or inflatable snake (garden centers & big box stores have ones specifically for pest control) might be just the distraction: the birds will be yelling and worrying about that, not about you. I really think that might work. Here's the kind I mentioned, though probably any play snake would work.

Eureka, CA

Okay, I know I'll say "duh" as soon as you tell me, but what is BF? I've been through all sorts of words to explain the acronym, but can't quite connect..... "duh"



Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

ButterFly.......I hear you saying "duh" LOL

Eureka, CA

Well, I actually thought butterfly, but have never heard of a butterfly eating mockingbird. But, we don't have mockinbirds around here!

Thanks for the "duh" moment! :o)


No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

What? Someplace that doesn't have mockingbirds? lol
I love watching them chasing the hawks and crows away around here - absolutely fearless. Luckily, any trees they prefer are away from the house - I don't think I'd like them coming after me.

I didn't know they ate butterflies, either!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

The mockingbird worrying me chases and catches butterflies in by BF garden. She also tries to chase off the blue birds nesting on my property. Her territory covers about 3 acres. She's worse than a hawk after prey. You're lucky not having these menaces around your area.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Fortunately, the mockingbirds also eat grasshoppers, japanese beetles, tomato worms and other nasty pests. As with most things, it's a mixed bag.

Spring Park, MN(Zone 4a)

You haven't mentioned what kind of birds these are. If they are grackles, that's one thing. If wrens, that's quite different. If it is grackles, the swarming will not necessarily be tied to nesting as they can be quite aggressive under any circumstances, especially if they have found a source of food. Make sure you don't have any corn out for anyone as that attracts them like flies. Are there berries in your garden? If so, maybe corn on another part of the yard would be a GOOD idea to keep them out of the garden where you are trying to work. Anyway, what color are they?

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