Newspaper in the garden

North Tazewell, VA

I just separated the glossy ads from the dull newsprint and now need to know how thick to make the cover between my tomatoes. Also, the print for the local markets is colored but not glossy. Would this be ok for the garden?


Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I've had great luck using newspaper, the worms love it. I used all but the glossy stuff, colors don't matter, now days the inks are not toxic. You can make it as thick or thin as you like. I found about 3 or 4 layers well worked for me.
Wet it well.


North Tazewell, VA

Thanks Dove. I've put the papers down and wet them down and then it rained last night. I put them down about 4 to 6 sheets thick. The wind is blowing pretty good here right now. As soon as it is light enough, I will go see if any have blown over into my neighbors pasture. I don't think he would want his cows reading and finding out what is going on in this world. They might escape.


Sorry it took so long to get back. Had to put new tires on the old truck and went to VBS.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes you better go check, we wouldn't want a Cow Coup!
Too funny, thanks for a good morning laugh.
When I was putting newspaper down I had the same problem with the wind, I needed 4 hands 2 to hold it down & 2 to spread the mulch.

VBS = Vacation Bible School?

North Tazewell, VA

Dove : Love that name and thanks for the input.
Yes. VBS is Vacation Bible School. I want to learn more about the one who lets me care for this small area of this Wonderful Earth.
Well I didn't get the news paper all down and some of it did blew out of the garden. The last I saw, those headlines were being shredded by a natural shredder called a goat. I did understand when they said that shredded newspaper was ok for the compost pile? I'm new at this and am not sure about all of this yet. It will be ready in a day or two I'm sure.
The wind is not blowing today and someone said it is suppose to get hot today, about 79 or 80. Think I will head out and see if I can put something on the paper to hold it down.


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