Grass control in containers

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Ok, I've been lacking this year, I admit it, and allowed some bermuda (crab) grass to grow in with a hibiscus. I think though I have found the perfect solution to getting rid of the grass...

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, as long as he sticks to the grass and doesn't start munching on the hibiscus buds... this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship, LOL.

Fun photo!

Phoenix, AZ

Hey! I'm happy for ya!

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Bermuda is a nasty invasive grass that will form a dense rootball in that pot crowding out the hibiscus roots. When we moved to the ranch, I made the mistake of putting all my pots directly on the ground over Bermuda grass. By summer's end, grass had grown up through the drain holes and up to the soil surface. At first, I pulled out the visible strands, but that was only a temporary reprieve. The number of strands slowly grew. That's because any node left in the soil will produce a new grass plant. This spring, I have had to pick the rootballs apart to remove all the Bermuda grass roots. It is amazing how much of each rootball was composed of grass roots. With some plants, I found it easier to take cuttings and throw the original plant away. I now use cement tiles under the pots.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Great picture! Maybe we could train a horde of bunnies to eat just Bermuda grass. I am a landscaper/maintenance gardener and I have spent more time this Spring trying to get Bermuda out of people's beds then ever before. I can't convince them to get it out of their yards. Having worked on a golf course for many years, I have come to the conclusion that that is the ONLY place Bermuda grass belongs!


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