hey every one wake up!!!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Does the heat have you down? Seems like everyone is movig pretty slow what you been up to? Lets see the garden pictures!!!!!

Thumbnail by gardenlady123
Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

im loving the heat-i waited all winter for the heat!
Im outside all day n night enjoying these dawg dayz of JUNE!!!
havent taken many garden pics this yr!!!!! just enjoying!

Thumbnail by notmartha
south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

I've been working outside all day and have bright red burn to prove it!! Weeded the entire garden and had the sprinklers going all day long (everyday last week too!) They are saying rain is headed out way if it doesn't fall apart over the lake...grrrr

It is so dry here!! I've already had my shower and am in my jamies and it is almost 7pm...I'm bushed!

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

I hope it rains here too its so dry I'v watered so much you would think the lake would go dry

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Rain tonight they say! It sprinkled this evening but not much. The only thin I've been watering are my herbs, and everything else looks horrible.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Ive watered the daylily beds,pine tree seedlings and the huge garden and the hosta beds. Oh and the mators and peppers! The strawberries went down to really small berries for lack of water too!
At 5:30am we got lots of wind and heavy rain for about 10mintues looks like 2/10 in the rain gauge! every drop will help!

Im still loving the warm warm sunshine!!!!!!!

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well we got a good down pour yesterday for about an hour and today so far all we have gotten is thunder but it looks like the sky is going to open up and pour any time now...

Here are a couple pics of the garden beds and some of the flowers in bloom.

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

here are some of our lilies in bloom

Thumbnail by pepsidrinker
Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Martha you got more than we did !!! darn!!!!!! so back to watering have a good day

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

pepsidrinker it looks like your garden is doing so well!!!! I love the fence is that new this season??? Very nice wagon wheels to. Nice decoration. notmartha your corn field?? nice pool and children. wish we had a pool but im not much of a swimmer thanks for the update all of you missed not hearing from all the michiganderans. Have a great summer all. Ronna

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Hey...Bay City Michigan was the pic city of the day on the Today program!! Yahoo!!

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

good going bay city in beautiful michigan.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Well gardenlady I am not sure if it is or not lol, I put it there to keep my neighbors grass from covering up all my flowers and mulch. Every time she would cut her grass it would come thru the space at the bottom :( So to keep peace and not to sound like a nag, I put those little plastic fences along there. DH thought it looked good too. But I wasn't really going for the look of it rofl. The wagon wheels came from around shipshewana, they use to be hanging on my front deck. But dh wanted to put them on the fence. I like them better on the fence at least now you can see them.

All have a great day, taking my gd shopping,
By the way Dori, Keirsten is going to have a little girl :)


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