Best Garden Hoe???

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

I am in the market for a decent hoe for weeding. I'm looking for suggestions and experiences from Aussie gardeners. If you have one that you absolutely swear by, please tell me about it and where you got it!! Thanks, kh

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

I've just been all over the net, but I can't find any like mine, I suspect they don't make them any more as they are both over 40 years old. I have two; one with a single "prong" and one with three "prongs" They are shaped a bit like a pronged hand cultivator but with full length handles for stand up work. What makes them different from the ones I've just seen on the net is that each prong ends with a small diamond shaped leaf blade about 4cm long by about 2-3 cm wide. I also have a couple of steel headed rakes for working over broader areas. All of these tools are great for shallow surface tillage to get rid of freshly germinating weed seedlings, if I discern your need correctly.

While I was hunting about I saved a few links for you, I can't speak for any of these tools personally, but they look like the real deal to me. Hopefully some of the others on the forum will be able to chime in with more opinions. TTFN, KK.

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Kaelkitty, thanks for taking the time on research for me. I had seen the Gung hoe and am tempted (despite the $$$$) and also the stirrup hoe looks interesting. I think I'm looking for a "pull" hoe instead of a push hoe - just what I'm used to doing. I've been scouring garage sales to find the good, old tools that actually work but I don't think people give them up easily!!!! I, too, have a three prong hoe but it doesn't actually do much for my weeds - I think they are very deep rooted! It worked well on the stinging nettles but not good for soursobs or grassy weeds.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a a Ho Mi as described in kaelkitty's third link. It was recommended to me by an Aussie friend. It is lightweigjht and I can use it only for small emerging weeds. The slender point is very good for lifting out the weed's root system, but for heavier growth .I have to return to a standard hoe or even a mattock (black clay here - very stubborn). The point is also very useful in opening furrows in planting beds. Yuska

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Yeah, I've been tempted by the Ho Mi. I can only get the head via mail order as they don't include the long handle. I wish I could find a more ergonomic handle. They must exist somewhere!! Thanks for the imput Yuska.

PS how's summer treating San Antonio?? I lived in Dallas for eight years!! Don't miss the 100+, weeks on end summers!! Miss the great Mexican food though!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

We're getting lots of rain. The cities of Gainesville and Sherman north of Dallas flooded yesterday and several people drowned, including two small children. Quite a moisture contrast to last year. My garden is a veritable jungle - can't get out there in the muck very often and the growth is rampant.

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

yeah, I think it's La Nina time. We've been in a terrible drought. Long, dry winter last season and long, dry summer too. Major water restrictions. We are now getting rain which is back to normal this winter. Sydney is getting pounded though. Always a challenge for gardeners!!

Bendigo, Australia

Hi, just popped back in and see the request for a good hoe. i moved to Vic after 20 yrs in South Australia and left my good hoes behind.
garage sales and the recycle places have been very rewarding, and even if the handle needs replacing its still cheaper than purchasing a new hoe. we used a hookey hoe which was great for weeding between veges , and the 3 pronged one as described with the diamond shaped points is great as a cultivator when the weeds arn't too big. the digging style hoe I think it is called a Dutch hoe, will get the stuborn weeds with deep roots and is good for dealing with capeweed . whereas the push /pull version is great for pathways and areas that need to be weeded but not too disturbed. better when the weeds are smaller. good rains here means that weeds are prolific but they pull out easily and go straight into the compost or into a bag and then the bin if they are sour sobs with bulbils etc. hope this helps.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hey Khopton,

For tool handles, try a hardware store - I haunt the giant Bunnings at Mile End on a regular basis and they certainly stock handles, and I keep and de-head any brooms that I kill (LOL) as well. Old, ie bare wood handles should be rubbed with oil about once a year - stick on lots at the end of the season, let it soak in for a few days, then buff off any residue with a soft cloth before you put the item away. Traditionally you use linseed oil, but I find pretty much any cheap vegetable oil will do the job. This will do wonders for their longevity - I have a couple of broom handles which are on their third or fourth heads and still going strong!

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Kaelkitty. I know the Bunnings at M.E. very well. I think I'll have to go the route of buying the hoe - head only - online and then finding the handle at Bunnings. Still would love to find ergonomic handles. Now there's a new market!! Thanks for the info on the upkeep of wood handles. I have to admit that I'm really lazy when it comes to cleaning my gardening tools. I have absolutely no excuse for it either!!!

Garden4grace - thank you for you input as well!! I understand about leaving tools behind and regretting it!! We moved from the US and I left a few tools in the thought that I could easily replace them - what was I thinking?????

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Well everyone, after doing lots of online research, I came across a product called Circlehoe and had a look at the video. I think it's just what I'm after but unfortunately it's not available in here. Fortunately though, I'm going to the US to visit family next month and will order it then. How do you think Qantas will react to trying to get it through the airport??? LOL!! Might just post it back by surface mail instead......

PS - I did a search on DG's and didn't find much in the way of opinion on the circlehoe - might be a newer product. I'll let you know how it works when I get it back here!!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

It does look intriguing! I may get one for myself. Here is a collection of comments in variouspublications and TV programs. Recommendations by Sunset and Organic Gardening carry a lot of weight.

Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

Yeah, thanks for that. I scoured through their website. I'm convinced enough - as I am sitting on a heating pad after weeding the front garden today - YUCK!!! OK I know it won't get rid of weeds completely and I don't buy the idea that cutting a weed off at the base means it won't grow back BUT if I am diligent and do a weekly "scrape" while the new weeds are tender, then I hope to make some sort of impact on the little buggers!! I'll let you know how I go. I won't be able to try it til August when I return from the US.

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