Happy Father's Day

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Happy Father's Day to all the Nor' Easterners out there who do the heavy lifting, bug squashing, advice giving, sports watching and give the manly hugs that we all can't be who we are without.

(My first medlar bloom.)

Thumbnail by AYankeeCat
Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL, Thanks to Brian who dutifully tramped through several north facing properties 24 years ago while his lovely wife {that's me!} walked around with his official Boy Scouts of America compass to determine that these places would not do. His patience paid off so that now I have lots of southern exposure! This is where we started our family that made him a card carrying Dad! {who is off looking at vintage aircraft with our son today}
Happy Father's Day to ElvisLives and to the other dads of DG!
{picture of Hosta 'Elvis Lives' planted in his honor!}

This message was edited Jun 17, 2007 11:09 AM

Thumbnail by gardenmart
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks gals. I've got the dad-o-meter set to mosie.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

(Martha, my DH is Brian too! )

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks! Had a great day with my kids and my Dad.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

I am coming to you now through my brand new, first ever laptop that I got for Dad's day!! I am liking being wireless!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Cool! Congrats Dave. That's all I ever use. My PC has been sitting lonely in the basement and I've been using my notebook upstairs for about 3 1/2 years now. I did eventually run an ethernet cable however. The Wifi slowed down over time (I believe the problem was the card) and I rarely move the notebook at all.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Nice score Dave. I was happy with my new crocs.

I went on a bike ride with the kids.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

PLANT TILL I CAN'T - The new motto at my house.
A belated Fahters Day.
My DW said I could spend a nice quiet Father's Day. We would just pick up a couple of Herbs that she was looking for Saturday. She decided that we had a lovely spot on the south side of the house that could use another flower bed. The 3rd of this year. Well Sunday morning rolled around and we took a drive to a local discount store for some things that Marilyn wanted.
The only problem was that we passed 2 garden centers that we hadn't been to yet.
Not on your life. The now famous statement of.... "Can we just look"....was sounded, we stopped...we looked....we bought!
Then we came to the second garden center.
Is a bullfrog waterproof?..... Does a wild bear live in the woods?
We're only looking...keep your hands in your pocket....don't touch any plants!
Everything was going along fine untill.....
WOW - LOOK AT ALL THE DAY LILYS. And they have the Frans Hals I have been looking for.
It was then I heard that low voice behind me...just look....we're not buying anything.
God I hate to eat crow.
To make a long story short.....we finished planting everything around 7PM
Have a good week everybody,

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Chuck - you too have at least recognized you have a problem!!

Al, which one is you?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Very warm wishes go out to you faithful gardening dads. What a great combination! I figure if you care enough to nuture a plant you MUST be super with your kids!

My DS & family came loaded down with Chinese food which DH loves and never gets, and tons of hugs & kisses and an ice cream cake. Even oldest DGD came, who usually works on Sunday, but was only on-call.

I always bring in the best rose in the garden for DH for Father's Day. I don't think he'll mind sharing it with the rest of you dads.

Thumbnail by grampapa
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Very nice Jan - thanks!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Chuck - I was reading your post to the tune of 'Bop 'til you drop'

Victor - this was me.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Kids had to go down the big slide along the trail.

Thumbnail by bigcityal
Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Al - I knew your bark was worse than your bite.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Al, you might want to try a moisturizer.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

And sunscreen.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Too much sun alright - I really don't care what the temp is as long as it's cloudy.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Do you wear a big hat while working outside? If you don't like those wide brimmed ones, Cabelas sells a very lightweight cap with a fold-out ear / neck covering. I used it in Disney - was a life-saver. When the sun is so intense, you just don't want it hitting your skin, regardless of sunscreen.

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Victor what is it called? I found the Tulley cap? They have hundreds of caps.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Here's the one I have.


The Tilley looks nice but it's way more $$$, but I like the features of it. And it looks heavy.

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Victor,
I've been looking for a new cap. When I was in Maine we stopped at L.L. Bean. Whoa - their prices! I don't make that kind of money. I ordered one the Flats Caps from Cabela's. I think I'll like it better then another ball cap.
Your right about the other one, one of the comments about it by someone who bought it was that it was heavy.
You are offically in charge of..."Good Things Cheap Dept." Keep us informed.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

LL Bean is expensive but if anything ever happens from normal wear and tear.....they replace it free. My DH has a pair of work boots we paid $200 for 4 years ago. He had some stitching come undone and they replaced them, brand new pair of boots.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

I agree about Bean. I love them and have been buying from them for 20 years now. My only gripe is that other than their signature boots, virtually nothing they sell is made in the USA. But that's the case with all their competition as well. It's a shame. They do run sales - you should get on their email list. For casual wear, outdoor stuff, even housewares and dress clothes, I highly recommend Sierra Trading Post. Been buying from them almost as long as from Bean, but I've bought WAY more from them. Great customer service, great prices and great variety. In other words - great.

Marlborough, MA(Zone 5b)

Well Victor that was great info.

dress clothes - We already have one suit that my cousin Bubba and I swap off for wedding and buryings. Works out well, only hope he don't die and they bury him in the suit.

housewares - I got one pair of pants I'm kinda fond of that I wear around the house.

outdoor stuff - My great uncle Henry picked up a real buffalo skin in 1847 when he was married to an indian. It has been passed down to the oldest male in the family. I have it and wear it outside all the time. It don't smell too good, but I don't get bothered by sales people.

casual wear - Ever since cousin Bubba showed me the trick of turning your clothes inside out and wearin them for another day, its cut way down on the amount that I need. You can do it with just about anything, shirts, pants, socks, even undies.

So thanks for all the good clothes buying tips Victor, but as you can see, I'm all set.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Remind me to greet you from a distance Chuck.

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