Weight Loss Challange June 16 - 23

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

A new week has begun and some of us are facing life without loved ones or broken relationships with loved ones for the first time, mourning recent losses, etc. We all know who to go to for the ultimate comfort and peace, but the pain is still there none the less. It takes time to get thru the mourning process and for each person it comes in different stages. I have learned that there are 7 stages of grief and each person goes thru these 7 stages differently and at different times. In other words, one of the stages is anger, but for one person that will be a first stage, for someone else it may be the middle or last stage of grieving. For one person a certain stage will last longer than others and be more intense than for someone else.

The temps here are in the upper 80s already this morning. I'm using fans to pull in night air. But I'm not closing the windows in the daytime because when I did that the other day it got really hot in the house while remaining pretty nice outside. I probably will have to give in and use the AC in the living room in a few weeks. It cools most of the house which is amazing because of the floor plan. Built in 1950 it was designed for central heat with no thought whatsoever of air conditioning.

I looked at the burned wood pile this morning and decided that I will have to push the remaining 3 or 4 large pieces together and get another roaring fire going to finish them off. There is a good size chunk of dirt that is hiding some wood that I need to remove and get to the wood so I can get it burned too.

I have some removal of excess trunks and large limbs from a couple mulberry trees in the yard to get done this week too. When the insurance check comes in I'll order the chipper/shredder piece that I forgot is broken so I can make chips of the excess mulberry I cut off. Also more intense weeding to get done. There is one side of a huge bed that sits on a slope that I seldom see the south side of that is an overgrown mass of bindweed. I have to be very careful about using herbicide because there are plants in there I don't want killed.

Eating has been so - so this week. I'm still at 121# so that pleases me. I'll work on losing a few more thruout the summer if possible. They may be hard to control during the winter months so I need to go into fall really lean and trim and my metabolism running at full speed.

I do wish the green beans were growing faster and the cukes were doing better. There are tiny cukes on the vines but the vines look as tho they have been burned or something. I make sure they are getting plenty of fertilizer & water tho not too much. I know they had aphids for a while but I think those are under control now. I hope they didn't bring in some kind of virus or blight with them.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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