red day lily

Cordele, GA

I have just dug up three fans of a nice red daylily. The ID is lost, however I got it through the Albany Daylily Society sale. It is a warm red, mid season bloomer, about 5 inch diameter. It has a small yellow throat, no eye. The inner three petals are wider than the outer. The bloom form is what I consider standard, open flare with no recurve of petals.

If any one is interested, I will send it/them for postage, but I would prefer a start of Gaillardia or per. Cosmos. I got tired of my blue and pink bed so the sunny end is going to have bronze foliage, red, yellow, orange instead.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Bring a shovel, Beth. Just kidding, you can use mine. Plenty of Gaillardia around the pond. Come get what you need to fill your beds.

Cordele, GA

I am getting cabin fever. Can I come over on thursday? I will dig up the Indigo Spires after I take James to work, and we can plant it in one of your beds while it is still cool.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Gf, come on over and let's play in the dirt! I'll be home.

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