
Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

Well, last year I purchased 100 plant stakes and have embabrked on a name that plant endevour. Some I have found more easily than others. So I am now going to post some of them here, in hopes yea with much more knowledge than I may throw your gander in the attempt to name that plant! As I purche new ones I am making tags! It is because I wanted huerchra just to accent the Hosta, now I am facinated with the Heuchera and have been buying those anytime I see one I do not have. This is getting to be so much fun. Even my husband is getting into it. He walked by the Creme Brullee and said now isn't that an interesting one, we need more of that type. :)

First up is the ones next to the Creme Brullee.

Thumbnail by dovebydesign
Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)


HEUCHERA 2 by my front door

Thumbnail by dovebydesign
Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

HEUCHERA 3 also lives by my front door

Thumbnail by dovebydesign
Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Hi dovebydesign,

Okay, here's my guesses.
1: Plum Pudding
2: Snow Angel
3: Silver Scrolls


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

My guess for #2 would be 'Monet'. 'Monet' doesn't have as much white in it as Snow Angel. Stumped on the other two

Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

yes yes yes on Plum Pudding... I rememebr that name! Actually told myself I would not forget it! :)

#2 I am leaning toward Snow Angel except I think the pictue overstates the pinkness of the scape or is it a flower?

Thumbnail by dovebydesign
Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

Dove my Snow Angel looks like yours. Here's mine taken a few weeks ago.


Thumbnail by MollyD1953
Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

By any chance did you buy Obsidian? Your first one looks like my Obsidian. Here's a not so great shot of it.


Thumbnail by MollyD1953
Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

No, I am sure it is Plum Pudding because I planted them together thinking ok...food together I can remember that! But I just got an Obsidian today along with a Carmel, a something swirl or curl, (have to look) and one more....have to look.

The plant def. is Snow Angel, I was at the Hosta farm where i bought it and it is Snow Angel. I am going back next week with my pictures in hand and writing it all down, that is where I buy most of my stuff.

Now for # 3???????

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I'm afraid that #3 totally stumps me. I don't have anything like that. I did check both TNN and Dolce . TNN has Autumn Haze and Cinnabar Silver (both look like your plant) and Dolce has Mocha Mint. Any of those sound familiar?


Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

Knowing me and my obsession with food it has to be Dolce's Mocha Mint! LOL. Was just on phone not long ago with Mom and she was sitting for my sister's 1 year old who fell and Mom puts the phone down rushing over and says...oh no Brenda got a boo boo and then says.... you need a cookie - that will make you feel better. POOF I am 44 and it hits me... I get to blame my Mom for being fat and food obsessed!!!!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I have done that for years. She's used to it now,,,,lol Also tell her they should have stopped at one, meaning me and not have my brother,,,,lol

kant spel

This message was edited Jun 17, 2007 12:02 PM

Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

lol GardenGeek_WI .

MollyD1953: I am marking as snow angel (nice plant markers btw) Now that third one. What is TNN? I want to go look at the ones you mentioned to see if I can identify it better. I do like your pics. Obsidian is a nice colour.

Also....anyone have Carmel? I just put an order in for it. I was thinking to get three and group them. Do they like a bit of sun, deep shade?

Another pic of # 3 , well the other # 3 in the same garden.

Thumbnail by dovebydesign
Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I have caramel. It got put in a new area of the garden in early spring. Mine gets a bit of afternoon sun and is doing great. No scorching to be found. The color on it is lovely. It seems to be quite hardy.
Enjoy your new addition:)

White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

I have to agree with Erynne that #3 is Silver Scrolls. It has pink buds that open to white flowers. Dolce Mocha Mint's flowers are definitely pink.


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Silver Scrolls:

Thumbnail by sanannie
White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

Dolce Mocha Mint:

Hope that helps.

Thumbnail by sanannie
Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

TNN is Terra Nova Nurseries. They're the ones who develop many of the heucheras we love. Dolche is a different line from Proven Winners.

Here are links for both:

TNN http://www.terranovanurseries.com/wholesale/
Dolce (Proven Winners) http://www.provenwinners.com/plants/default.cfm?doSearch=1&searchGenus=Heuchera

TNN will sell wholesale (big lots) to you but PW doesn't seem to.


Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

yes ok, I am marking it silver scrolls then.

Today I bought:

3 Marmalade

3 Crimson Curlz

3 Carmel

1 Birthday Cake

I will post pics next week once they are planted, labelled and I am back from Hosta Convention. I am going to be broke, but nicely planted?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

I think being broke is a time honored tradition among gardeners :-) It's what makes us trade plants to get more we can't buy!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Nice haul! Have never heard of Birthday Cake would love to see pics when you get them in.

I tend to agree,,,,lol

This message was edited Jun 20, 2007 10:09 AM

Greentown, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes, the downside of knowing very few gardeners here in the USA is that I do not get many trades of different things. The upside is I have more time to garden!

I will get pics soon, my daughter is coming home today with my camera...thank goodness!

Birthday Cake is sort of like a maple leafe looking leaf. It is almost a carmel colour but has some green. It looks nice, there was only one there.

Susan Dove

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